
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

In the Mountains: The Suitcase Junket

42 this morning and light overcast makes it feel colder. We spread about 20 bags of mulch yesterday, and Larry picked a LOT of wild creasy greens, aka wild mustard, so I will be cleaning and freezing them today. Also planting onions, peas and perhaps carrots today. I transplanted some peppers and tomato seedlings in the little greenhouse yesterday, and assembled a second greenhouse for the seeds beginning to sprout in the house. The peppers were from seeds I saved from a store-bought red pepper, and they came up very well. 

But, back to our weekend trip. I had heard The Suitcase Junket on radio shows a few times, and was so excited to see this remarkable musician in person. His name derives, I think, from the old suitcase he used to use to carry some of his unusual instruments. The suitcase was there, but does he still use it? I don't know.

The show was at the Purple Fiddle (see it in the above photo?), a little coffee shop/restaurant/ performance venue in tiny Thomas, WV. We have been there several times for meals, but not for a show. Our oldest son lives only 25 minutes from Thomas, and had attended shows in the past, and he wanted to see this one too. We chose seats fairly close to the stage, but not so close as to burst our eardrums. I have always wondered why venues want to have the music so loud! To me it distorts the sound, and I noticed at this show that one amp was definitely "buzzy" at times, which I found unpleasant to listen to. Didn't seem to bother anyone else in the full house, though, so maybe it's just my ears?

The show on the whole was great entertainment. His style can best be described as folk-blues-rock-country fusion, I guess. As far as I could tell, all his material was original. Add in some very funny side commentary and you can maybe get the drift of what he does. As a one-man show, he really gets a workout! One of his comic moments was introducing "the band", which included a baby shoe, a big pot, a circular saw blade, and other bizarre items that all contribute to his sound. Here is a small sample, in which he uses his guitar to create an echo effect with his voice.

And here is a look at the "junk" part of his music.

Bones and chains box.

Pots and the baby shoe, taped to a drum pedal.

The saw blade.

I understand that The Suitcase Junket plays at the Purple Fiddle several times a year, always to a full house, so if you are planning a trip to Blackwater Falls, Canaan Valley and the surrounding area, check to see if he's playing. I don't think you will be disappointed. 

ACopyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I am glad you posted about the Purple Fiddle after mentioning it in the previous post.

  2. The loud music would bother me too just like the super loud volume at movie theatres.


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