
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

In the Mountains: Brushy Run, Waterfalls, and Cows

34 this morning and clear. We put a heater just outside the greenhouse to keep the air a little warmer, and will need to do so again tonight. Brrr. Planted onions, peas, and snow peas yesterday, and potatoes today. I started tilling the space for carrots, beets, lettuce, radishes, etc., and hope to finish tomorrow. Moved some flower plants around, and planted crocosmia bulbs. The rest of today is a bust, since I have a doctor appointment an hour away. Sure messes up a day.

Back to our trip again. We turned up a little road called Brushy Run, a road I once traveled with my ex about 50 years ago. I was curious to see how it had changed. I vaguely remembered it as being full of rather rundown houses and mobile homes, very narrow and dark.

This time it was apparent that there had been many changes. I expect that it may have been hit by at least one major flood in the intervening years, since there have been 2 in that general area that I can remember. 

We saw camps, old homes and new, and waterfalls. There were quite a few, due to the heavy rains on Friday, and the run was sure running. 

One of the many waterfalls.

Cabin with a swinging walking bridge. Missing in the photo is a lovely waterfall just beside the cabin. 

An older home, too close to the creek for my comfort. You can see how the bank has washed away.

Here you can see the repairs from damage to the creek bank probably caused by the most recent flood, 4 or 5 years ago.

And this was the most surprising thing we saw: a cow giving birth! Look at that unconcerned look on her face. We decided to stop at the old white two-story farmhouse to let them know, in case the cow was having any trouble. The lady who came to the door was about 80, walking with a cane. She thanked us for stopping and said she would call her son, who owned the herd. We kind of wanted to hang around and watch the little one be born, but knew we had miles yet to go, so we drove on. We will never know the end of that story.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I agree that the house is really close to the river. The cow does looks unconcerned, just another day in the life of a cow. :)

  2. My goodness what are the odds you would see a calf born at the side of the road? Wow. I’m glad you let the owner know and we can only hope, that all went well for the mama. That sure is an interesting road you traveled on. God bless.

  3. I want to photograph that cabin and maybe the little waterfall too.

  4. How interesting these homes and waterfalls are along that road! Mrs. Cow seemed to know what her business was, and looking at you, just probably wanted some peace and quiet. Glad you told the owners though.


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