
Friday, April 28, 2023

Stormy Day

46 this morning, and raining. We had rain off and on all day, some sunshine, and some storms. Higb about 73, and humid.

It was a wild day, storms off and on. We had town stuff to do, and booth stops too even though we were at both yesterday. Mostly though it was garden things we needed to get....more potting soil for my planters and pots, carrot seed, seed wheat for a cover crop on the garden we are letting rest, etc. 

I have been trying to soldier through either a very bruised or broken tailbone, the result of coming down hard on concrete after tripping over my sandal. Add that to the broken toe from a few weeks ago (from dropping tbe top of the paper shredder on it) and as you can see, life hasn't been as fun as it could be. Fortunately tbe toe only hurts if I wear certain shoes, and the other is fine if I am standing,  walking, or bending. It's just sitting or lying down that causes problems.

But since it is garden time, there's naught to do but keep on keeping on, right? Thank goodness I am a tough old broad! And pain or not, I am so enjoying this beautiful time of year.

As we have all heard,  if you're gonna get old, you better be tough. True words there.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sorry to hear about those two nasty injuries. I still remember the pain from falling on my tailbone when I was a little chap. I fell off the lawn-mower while trying to climb over it - the sort of thing you do when you're nine or ten. Hope you're soon feeling mended.

    1. Getting better every day, John, just being careful!

  2. Sorry about your broken bits...I've done the tailbone thing a couple of times, no fun! Yes, gardening has its demands, and its beauties.

    1. Oh my, once is enough for me. But it is encouraging to know that it does heal eventually, LOL!

  3. Yes, you are tough and do manage to keep on keeping on.

    1. It seems best to me. I have noticed that to keep moving is better than to be still.

  4. Oh dear, nasty tailbone pain and a broken toe! I've had versions of both and neither one is fun. Take care. -Jenn

    1. I have only ever had one broken bone in my life, before now. So I whimper like a xhd, LOL!

  5. Sorry to hear about your ailments. Like you said, you're one toughie. As my friend says, "steady on now".

  6. Humid already? Hope your injuries heal soon and you are back to 100%!

    1. Yes, a little humidity here and there in the spring, and then full force is summer. I. Hate. Humidity! But love the greenness, the changing seasons and so many other things about living here.

  7. Oh dear, the kind of injuries that "just take time to heal." I hope yours don't take TOO much time, because I know you like to keep busy!

    1. I know--that's the frustrating part. We have a thing planned for this weekend that requires time in the van, and that is sooo painful. I am praying that by Friday I will be not hurting so much when I sit!


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