
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Sunday Ramblings

43 this morning, and chilly all day. Rain in the night and morning but now clear, sunny and windy. And cold! We are supposed to have a low of 38 but will probably be warmer than that on my hill. The green is incredible right now though, even though it is chilly out. This is the first part of our driveway, which is about a third of a mile long in total.

Would you believe we were in bed by 9pm last night?? That's not unusual for Larry, but pretty much unheard of for me. I guess I was just worn out from not sleeping well all week. We didn't wake til 8:30 this morning. Crazy!

I worked inside mostly today, since it was not nice out. I also did some cleaning behind Larry in the furniture workroom. He is so messy, it just floors me. I have to wonder who he thinks will pick up the tools, hardware, bits of wood and trash he scatters in his wake. I have tried to tell him his mother doesn't live here but apparently he doesn't believe me. It's a good thing I love that man, LOL! 

We are expecting lunch visitors Tuesday, so I did some housework in preparation. Nothing like company to make me do the dreaded dusting. I mopped, waxed and cleaned up my ebay room, and began planning what to cook. Something simple, I decided: homemade chicken noodle soup and cheesy biscuits, salad and I am going to try making a carrot cake. It will be my son's birthday and if he makes it back from a trip he will be coming along with one of our friends. Carrot cake is his favorite so...wish me luck!

I did get outside this evening and potted some tomato seedlings.  They are quite small so won't be ready to go in the ground until early June at the soonest. I have other bigger plants, thankfully, so these will be a late crop. 

Right now I am cooking down pokeweed to pit in the freezer. It must be boiled in 3-5 waters to be safe for eating. It is well worth the effort though.

I have been listening curiously to all the reports about the upcoming Coronation. The last was before I was born, so this is quite an event for the English. It seems that here in the USour inaguation ceremonies and celebrations are getting close to the same, although without all the tradition, ritual and history of the event in England. Being a "young" country precludes that, but I do wish ours had more, well, class. Rock stars and actors just aren't the same as royalty. Not that I want to live under the British form of government! So I should just be content, right?

Tomorrow is Beltane, the first day of Summer by the old Celtic tradition. I think actually that's nearer the mark because by June 21 it is high summer here. So remember in the morning to wash your face in the morning dew, and of course, say "rabbit, rabbit, rabbit" for luck!

The view from the porch today. It is ever-changing at this time of year.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. That's a long driveway you have, I love the photo of it. Happy May, Sue.

  2. Almost heaven….

  3. Did something post already, or did I just lose much of a comment? Anyway, I was remarking on your sleep and commenting that I would love 7 hours, but I can’t remember the last time that happened.

    I live under the British system since Canada is a constitutional monarchy. It works very well, whether one is a monarchist or not. The monarchy doesn’t affect our lives.

  4. Gosh it's wonderful to have found your blog again! I had confused it's title with someone else's,and out of the blue just remembered it. I hope to begin reading each of your posts again, -Mary

  5. It has been cold here in KY, too. I am tired of it and ready for warmer weather.


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