
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Gardens and Cake

45 this morning and the sun shining! Well, the sun is out off and on anyway. The rain finally stopped yesterday afternoon except for a few late showers. The soil, however, is soggy, with standing water in many places. It is too wet to get in the vegetable gardens since we have not yet mulched--and may not be able to if we can't fingmd mulch hay. But it is perfect weather for using my flamethrower, which I did for a couple hours this morning while Larry did some stringtrimming around the gardens' electric fences.

Yesterday's sunsets touch of pink was a hopeful sign for today.

It is also perfect for weeding the flowerbeds, which are all heavily mulched. So between my little flamethrower and hand-weeding, the flowerbeds at least are in great shape. Well, there are still weeds to pull, but aren't there always? And wouldn't it be lovely to be able to afford a garden helper? But that, alas, is beyond our means.

How some of our gardens are looking today:

These were taken before weeding. I thinned out a lot of lily of the valley today. It certainly takes over, and was crowding out other plants.

Lots of green, as you can see, but not a lot in bloom right now. The iris are starting, though, so next week we have that to look forward to.

We had a friend for lunch Tuesday, always a treat. Here is my first ever carrot cake. 

I can't believe it took me so long to try to make one! It was delicious. It was for my third son's 51st birthday, and he was supposed to join us but had a last minute load come up (he has a small "hotshot" trucking business, which means very quick service and delivery for people who need something fast). So he came yesterday and enjoyed leftover soup, salads, and of course the cake. 

Now, back to the gardens for me. I hear some weeds calling my name, I think.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You have a lot of beautiful gardens to tend. I do love a good carrot cake...recipe please! I have lost the baker that used to make them at one of my favorite coffee bars. Seems she retired. But I'm retired too, so I should deserve good carrot cake! That's my reasoning anyway!

    1. My gardens seem to keep spreading out, Barb. Which is fine with me, really. I have never had enough flowers!
      As for the cake, the recipe was straight out of a 70s Betty Crocker cookbook. I did something I rarely do, which is followed the recipe exactly! I wanted to be sure it came out right. The only change I made was to add a quarter cup of applesauce in place of the same amount of carrots.

  2. All your efforts in the garden have paid off. It looks wonderful, as does the cake. Charmaine UK

    1. Thank you, Charmaine! The older I get, the more I seem to enjoy garden work. That's partly because after years if mulching, the weeds are fewer and easier to pull!

  3. Such pretty gardens you have. So great that you are able to enjoy them. Aren't gardens such a lot of work, but such joy too? I love the flowers. The veggies that come are so much better than store bought.
    The cake looks wonderful, it's been a very long time since I have made a carrot cake. You are right, they are are delicious!
    I loved your window photo.

    1. Oh my yes, soooo much work. But every bit worth it. I was surprised at how easy the carrot cake was to make. The recipe was almost more like banana bread than a typical cake recipe. Of course, it took time to shred the carrots---thank goodness for the food processor.

  4. Now, those are gardens well worthy of the name.

  5. Your garden is amazing, lots of effort and work. It will be nice to see all the fruits of your hard work pay off later in the year. Carrot cake looks delicious. Have a geat weekend.

    1. By mid July I might be tempted to cut them all down lol Not really of course. But this is the best time, when we are still excited about Spring.

  6. Such lovely gardens and homemade carrot cake, how nice! Living closely enough to visit for his birthday is a blessing you and your grandson are fortunate to have.Enjoy it all,-Mary

    1. My son, actually, Mary, but yes, it is so nice to have one son close by. And he sure enjoyed his cake!

  7. Oh, I wish I had such an abundance of lily of the valley! I've been coaxing a few transplants along for several years now, and there seem to be a few more coming up this Spring, so maybe one day there will be a carpet.
    That cake looks like everything a carrot cake should be, and so beautifully displayed! Makes me want to have a slice right now. And not a small slice, either ;)


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