
Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Kitchen, Garden, and Repeat

64 and cloudy, supposed to clear later. No rain in the forecast for several days. 

Back in the kitchen again yesterday. I canned about 7 pints of salsa, then froze 4 pints of limas and 4 quarts of shredded zucchini. 

The zucchini will be used to make zucchini breads, and to add to soups,  stews, chili, meatloaf. It is literally undetectable and adds another veggie to the diet. This is the chocolate zucchini bread recipe I use.  It is amazingly good.

The lima beans are literally a labor of love. Hard to pick, and very hard to shell, but they are a favorite so we do the work. We have another picking to do on these vines, and one more short row that will be ready later.

I got back to stringtrimming yesterday evening, something I haven't done since surgery. My garden was such a mess! But tbe trimmer tidied up a lot if it. After my doc appointment (surgery followup) I will get back out there to finish trimming, and get some ground ready for my late cabbage plants. The celery planted last month looks good, as does the lettuce. The carrot seeds pretty much washed away in the heavy rains, but I did see a few plants, so not a total loss. The late cucumber vines, only 4 of them, are already beginning to bloom and climb the trellis. These will be just for eating, as I have plenty of pickles!

In other garden news, the grapes are beginning to turn, so should be ready in a couple weeks. I am looking for another cherry tree as mine is about 20 years old.  I ordered more black raspberry vines last week; our small patch provided a gallon and a half, but we love them and would like more.

We started watching a new to us series called The Crimson Field. It is set in a British field hospital in WWI, I was reading All He Wanted 
by Anita Shreve, but while I was enjoying the writing style at first--very Victorian-- I ended up losing interest in the story and doubt I will finish it. On to the next book in the stack!

Well, we are almost to the doctor 's office. It's a 50- plus me drive, so I have had time to write, but now it's time to close!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I used to love lima beans growing up but they are not found here. :(

  2. Hello Granny Sue, hope the check up went well. Your kitchen garden sounds very nice. Mine never amounted to anything this year.
    I would love to have a good source for the black raspberry vines (?). They are favorites of outs too but hard to come by.. Your thoughts? Thanks. Annie

  3. I am not a fan of lima beans. My maternal grandmother always grew/cooked them. Glad you are up and about and feeling well.


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