
Thursday, August 17, 2023


70 this morning, partly cloudy with a very heavy dew.

Look who stopped by.

Yes, that's a young blue-tailed, five-lined skink. They love it around my porch, and we are happy to have them. They are not poisonous, and we often see them sunbathing on the deck. The older skunks often have an orange head and the stripes are less defined. Skunks can lose their tails when trying to distract a predator, so it's not uncommon to see one with a funny- looking blunt tail.

I realized this morning that I had not posted any photos from this weekend's family get-together! So I had best catch up.

First, here's the whole crew, minus Logan who took the photo, and Larry, who was off on his tractor doing something or other. Second son is in tbe ball cap and youngest is on the end beside me.

The potato digging crew. The vines are dead of course, and weeds took over while Larry's back was out. But, volunteer pumpkins also spread out over the area, making it tricky to dig the potatoes--but, there are about a dozen pumpkins out there! Tbankz, Mother Nature.

Toungest son from Miami hasn't done this kind of work in a while, but he sure enjoyed it. They dug about a bushel and a half to add to the same a.ount Larry had dug earlier, so we have a good stock for winter.

Everyone was back Sunday for breakfast. I made omelets as they showed up. Everything homegrown except the toast. The eggs are from our young neighbor who will keep us supplied until our hens start to lay.

And the second container got moved to the building site! We weren't expecting to do that this weekend but Jamie showed up with his dozer, so why not? Eliana was scared but fascinated by the whole thing. 

Youngest son and our Buddy was immediate best friends. Buddy played so hard and was so happy all weekend. He loves being in a crowd.

Ryland and Eliana, two of our great-grandchildren,  played hard too. 

Lots of visiting time on the deck. Amidst the tomatoes, which got moved later so we could use the table. Larry always puts them on this table,  and I always ask him not too, but he forgets. A lot of the maters got munched anyway, which was fine with me. 

It was so very nice to see everyone, especially our youngest who seldom makes it home from Miami. One day, maybe we can get ALL our family together, but honestly I am not holding my breath, because everyone is so scattered out, and all the grandkids are working or in college or high school. So I am happy with whatever gatherings we manage to have.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I bet your heart was glowing the entire time your family was there. So happy for you..

  2. Great to see your family gathering. And potatoes and tomatoes and pumpkins galore! Bounty of several kinds!

  3. I know you enjoyed having them home :)

  4. Wonderful family photos all working and playing together, lots of lovey produce as well to enjoy later:)

  5. Making new memories, priceless! The family gathering sounds like lots of fun for you.


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