
Sunday, September 17, 2023

Country Life

60, rainy and chilly.

Thank goodness for this rain! I was quite tired of dragging water hose and sprinkler around, usually getting soaked in the process, and lugging buckets of water. This rain began in the wee hours and has continued pretty steadily ever since. Not heavily, but a nice, soaking rain that the plants can take full advantage of.

So instead of watering, I am inside, listening to the rain on our metal roof, Thistle and Shamrock on the radio, hot cup of coffee beside me, and Buddy, who should not be, is sleeping on Larry's chair. The bad boy pulled up one of the new solar lights I put in place yesterday and chewed it up pretty thoroughly, so why he thinks he should be treated to a comfy chair is beyond me. Last evening I tried to take a pretty photo of wine and flowers, but Buddy was sure I wanted him in the photo too. Such a character this dog is.

I enjoyed sitting out on the porch last night with Tamara. She has a 22 year old son with cerebral palsy, so her husband was caring for him and their younger son so she could visit. She is a hard worker--canning, gardening, raising a variety of poultry, taking care of home and caring for her severely disabled son. She is also one of the most generous people you are likely to meet. Her son was born when she was barely 20, and she has cared for him ever since. How many 20-year-olds would be able to do that? The father turned his back when the baby was born, so she managed alone for a number of years until she met her current husband at an event for cerebral palsy children. 

As we were talking, we heard a soft rustle of leaves, then a thump.  Tamara stopped mid-sentence and said, "apple fell", then went on talking. I had to laugh. What a countrywoman she is, to immediately recognize the sound. I told her I had stopped on Joe's Run the other night and recorded this video:

Yes, it is a video.  This is just how dark it is here, and how little man-made noise interrupts our nights. 

It was a lovely evening, and a rare opportunity for us to spend time together without other concerns intruding. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Thump is an apple. Gotta be around them a bit to know! Such a dog!

  2. It makes a great picture with Buddy in it :-) I am glad that you finally got some rain. God bless Tamara and her family!

  3. A pleasant evening with a pleasant person.

  4. Awwwww, I LOVE listening to rain on a metal roof! Sadly rain will be rare when we´re in Perth, wish us luck, our cabin has such a roof!
    LOL to Buddy.
    Nice that friend has you for a chat. The apple-story made me smile, too.

  5. At least Buddy didn’t knock the wine glass over. That would be serious!

  6. Buddy had a good reason to be in the photo, he wanted us to see how wonderful he is. :)

  7. I have the utmost respect for those with disabled children. They work twice as hard as anyone else.


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