
Saturday, September 16, 2023

Yard Sale, Sci-Fi, and a Hot Date

48 this morning, clear and very crisp. Another perfect Fall day.

I was out early this morning, hitting the road about 7:30 to get to a friend's big yard sale. So up, take care of critters, make a mug of tea to go...and I forgot my phone. So no photos, sadly.

It was odd to be out without my phone. I guess that's the first time I have done that in years. I kept thinking, I'll call so-and-so, or I'll check on this or that...and no phone. I got used to it after a couple hours though.

I stopped to pick up more mums and some bags of mulch so with the yard sale buys, the totes from yesterday and mulch and mums, my van was pretty full. We never have the back seats in, except when we might have someone traveling with us, and it's a good thing.  I love the flexibility a van offers.

I came home to get my plants in, so some weeding, did a second coat of paint on a table, cleaned house, put out more Fall and Halloween decorations, then it was time to do the critters again and get the waterer turned on. We are supposed to have a little rain tonight or tomorrow, but it will be nowhere near enough.

I had considered going to the Mothman Festival, but the day was just too pretty to spend in crowds. I wanted to be home. The festival is fun, though. The photo below was from the 2007 festival, granddaughter Hannah playing around with the Mothman sculpture.  (How odd to think she is now the mother of 2!)

I have attended several times, once as a storyteller, and always enjoyed the zany freedom of this festival-- people dressed as Men in Black, Ghostbusters, all sorts of sci-fi or mythical creatures. You can even get Mothman pancakes! If you have not heard of our Mothman, here is a link to the story, and here is a link to one of my posts about the festival. Expected attendance this year is likely to far surpass other years as this festival is drawing a national audience these days. By the way, there is a movie too, starring Richard Gere, called The Mothman Prophesies. I think it came out around 2000. Have you seen it? Not quite true to details, but a good movie anyway.

Yesterday I stocked our booths, came home to take care of the animals and change my clothes, then went out on a hot date...with my son Derek. It was really nice, just the two of us, which rarely happens. 

Do you have Halloween decorations out yet? It is too early for me, but Larry got some out with the Fall stuff, so I went ahead and did them. I have noticed a lot of people doing the same. And at the store this morning, they were putting Christmas things on the shelves. It's what, 100 days until Christmas? Way too early to think about!

All for tonight. My friend Tamara came over as I was writing this post, and we had a nice long visit. Now I am ready for sleep. Sweet dreams!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sue won't let me leave the house without my phone, and my watch also reminds me if I leave it behind.

  2. We don't celebrate Halloween over here..but I can tell it has become quite a trend here, esp. for the young generation. I don't have a iphone....never owned one. Can't type with that bloody small screen and it gives me headache. Continue to enjoy the beautiful fall weather, Sue.

  3. I followed your link to Mothman. What a story, I never heard it before, it was very interesting.

  4. You certainly shame me in the energy department. I think I would have been ready for sleep by midday!


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