
Friday, September 15, 2023


51 this morning, clear and crisp.

Out and about this morning, feeding and watering the critters, watering flowers. It is a fine fall- like day. It is definitely looking like Fall on the porch.

I worked in my gardens most of yesterday, never getting my bread made. I was delighted to see my late-planted squash and cucumbers are beginning to produce. I have much work to do in the vegetable garden, perhaps tomorrow? 

I finished my novel last night, An Elegant Woman by Martha McPhee. I enjoyed it very much, particularly the first half of the book that was a fascinating tale of two little girls surviving an erratic mother in the harsh climate of Montana in the early 20th century. The author included good historical detail which deepened the story for me. While a fictional account, the detail added to the story's believability factor for me. I dislike books that have inaccurate details. The story follows Thelma/Tommy/Katherine from those hard beginnings to life as a wealthy, but always afraid, New York woman. While the ending dragged on and lost the energy and spark of the beginning, I still would recommend this book as a good read.

I'm off today to stock our booths. Thankfully no big furniture to bring in! Then home again to another round of critter care. This morning I realized that I seldom post a picture of our home from down near the chicken house, so while picking up apples and pears, I snapped a few. We are a bit tree-embedded.

Buddy was curious about what I was doing. 

Will be reading all of you when I get home. Have a good Friday.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I think I have the book in my kindle...:-) You have a beautiful back yard and that sure needs a lot of work and care.

  2. Buddy has to keep his eyes on the place, don't want no riff raff coming around. :)

  3. Great to see your trees, as I showed mine today on my blog! I'm waiting for the library to have McPhee's books available for me. They look interesting (2 novels).

  4. Your yard (acreage?) looks wonderful. I love all of those trees and greenery. I think Buddy loves it too.

  5. From reading different blogs it sounds like many of us are trying to get around the garden clearing which happens at this time of year and being very behind - I know I am.

    Love your 'embedded in trees'. I know some folk would not like it but I see shade in summer and a little protection from wind in winter.

  6. Your home is beautiful! I was thinking about your post yesterday. Barb and I are with each other 10 months of the year. The other two months, we are apart. One month in the spring, one month in the fall.

  7. Oh my, I'm just catching up on blog-reading tonight, and I'm sorry to hear about Larry's sister and her husband, but how fortunate they are that he could go right down and help out! I hope they both feel better soon - it sounds like Larry's sister is already improving.
    Enjoy your quiet time, and I'll be thinking of you all.


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