
Monday, October 9, 2023


46 and drizzling this morning, cold and damp. Cleared off later in the afternoon.

Lots of family this weekend and today. It's been fun, lots of talking, working, cooking. 

And no photos. I often forget when we have gatherings, because I am so involved and busy. Do you have the same problem? But it has been lovely.

Son Aaron, who I swear can fix anything,  figured out the problem with our main gas heat fireplace, and fixed the noise in my dryer too. 

Aaron's job is pretty demanding so we don't get to see him very often, so I thoroughly enjoyed some good long conversations with him. He will be back soon to wire Sarah's cabin.   

It has been quite chilly here,  occasional cold showers mixed with clouds, sunshine, and many people saw a beautiful double rainbow the other night. We have had a fire in the fireplace the last two nights, which takes the edge off the cold. I do enjoy evenings by the fire.

We have not had frost yet, luckily, so we are still getting veggies from the garden.

In Buddy News, our crazy dog somehow killed a skunk last week without getting sprayed. We found a hole dug under the foundation of one of our buildings, where I think the skunk had been living. We filled the hole with concrete, and I guess Buddy caught the skunk trying to get in. So with this and cornering the copperhead a couple weeks ago so we could dispatch the snake to dreamland, I think our boy is earning his keep. In this photo, he is trying to see Larry, who was getting wood for the fireplace. Buddy likes to keep tabs on everything and everyone. 

Buddy got in trouble tonight, though, when he pulled a casserole dish containing the remainder of tonight's dinner off the counter. What a mess! But he cleaned up all the spilled food, the little devil, and fortunately the glass dish didn't break. So all I had to do was mop up the floor. He has been so excited to have the three dogs belonging to our granddaughter and her boyfriend here. There is nothing Buddy likes better than friends over to play!

Tomorrow I hope to get some flower bulbs planted, and might do up some spiced pears. Sarah and her boyfriend will be here a few weeks to work on her cabin, so we will have them in and out too, always a pleasure. 

All for tonight. Granny is tired and ready for some good sleep, under warm blankets on this chilly fall night.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I don’t comment much but always enjoy your blog. Kathy near Chicago

    1. I am glad to hear that, Kathy! And it is good to know you're out there reading.

  2. It's wonderful you had a busy yet great time with your family. Your Son Aaron sounds like my brother :-) Love your fireplace!

    1. Every family should have someone like Aaron, I think! We sure appreciate his many skills.

  3. I don't think I've ever taken photos of visitors without it being suggested to me by somebody else. Maybe I'll be like Buddy and become brave and useful one day, though I'm more likely to upset a casserole dish!

    1. Yes, I am usually the same, John. Flowers, landscapes yes, but I have to remind myself to take people pictures.

  4. We also neglected to take pics of our TG feast last evening. Sue is usually the one to take those kinds of photos, but I think she climbed a mountain just to get the dinner out. I did help but she is in charge and it was a tough slog for her yesterday.

    1. I am amazed she was able to make the feast, AC, so soon after her surgery. I bet it was delicious.

  5. My son-in-law, Andrew, is great at fixing anything and everything too. Too bad he lives a six-hour drive away, but when he does visit we put him to work!

    1. Don't you feel blessed to have him! My Aaron looks for stuff to do, and around here there is always plenty!

  6. Oh my, it sounds like chaos in your house. Good chaos, but chaos, nonetheless. Bad dog Buddy! At least the dish did not break so there is no fear that he ate some of the broken pieces.

    1. Yes, good chaos, Jim! I so enjoy it when the house is hopping, reminds me of the old days!

  7. Hoorah for Buddy (except around leftover casseroles) and a bit hoorah for your son being Mr. Fixit for you. Love a fire to stare into and be warm on one side! I actually purchased a mobile home in Jacksonville FL with a corner fireplace. I think we used it twice...we had had a wonderful one in the town where we'd just come from, Knoxville TN!

    1. Buddy always keeps it interesting around here! We are so glad we got him, despite his occasional faux pas.

  8. It's nice to have a family member help out with the problems and fix them. Buddy at least cleaned up his mess and your dish is now shock proof. :) Enjoy your fixed fireplace and have a wonderful rest of the week,

    1. Yes it is, Bill. I am grateful for my sons. Buddy keeps us on our toes for sure,

  9. How wonderful to have a son who can fix things. My wife has such a son, too, and he's a master carpenter to boot.

    1. Multi-talented guy! I bet you love it when he comes to visit!

  10. Having so much fun that you forget to take pics sounds great - and your harvest looks good, too.

    1. Thanks, Iris! It's always a joy when my boys come home.

    2. What an amazing area you live in, and your canning and preserving is impressive to say the least.


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