
Saturday, October 7, 2023


48, breezy, clear. Perfect October morning. Rain yesterday reduced the worry about fires, and the gardens look happier too. 

Yesterday morning,

and this morning. 

Thank you all for your kind comments on my last post. Like most homesteaders and gardeners, we enjoy the process of putting up our food. Our friend Arlene, who is 83, is dating a man who is 90. He still gardens and cans, and has a full cellar. For people like us, it's a way of life.

We worked in our booths yesterday, downsizing by one more space at a mall where sales have been low for the past year. It seems like since I stopped working there on Sundays, my sales dropped off, but I don't think that is the actual reason. I think it has more to do with the economy. 

The free money giveaways, people working from home and not paying for commuting and childcare, put more expendable money in people's pockets. And then prices went up, people went backnto their offices, etc. And there was no more extra cash coming from the government. 

Ah well, it was nice while it lasted, but our business requires soft money and there is not so much of that around these days. 

Fortunately our newer location is still doing well, and the other will hold its own now that we have it down to a better size. 

We really enjoy the booths and the people we meet; the income is nice but it really is the pleasure we get from the work that is just as important to us.

Today is housecleaning day, and finishing, I hope, painting this big buffet that is taking up far too much space in our log room. 

And unloading and sorting out the van, which is full of stuff we took out of booths, stuff to go in booths, and a mattress and other packages Sarah ordered for her cabin, as she is arriving tomorrow for a 3-week stay. So Granny better get busy! 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We used to do a lot of antiquing but have kinda slowed down ourselves. Recently we have been doing some online auctions and found a few items that we like. Barb picked them up a few days ago, I am looking forward to getting home and seeing them!

  2. Granny is busy enough to exhaust me!

  3. 40F here this morning. Don't work too hard, eh? 😊


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