
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Cold, Flowers, Rabbits, and Booths

25f this morning. Brrrr. Only warmed to 30f, and the air has a definite wintry bite to it.

The forecast of a serious hard freeze had me scurrying to the garden yesterday to gather the last of the Calendula in bloom and a bit of parsley and rosemary.  Tonight will be even colder, and today we actually saw our first snowflakes of the season. It's time, but my goodness the shift from long sleeve weather to heavy jacket temperatures is certainly not an easy transition.

One lonely daisy was also blooming so of course it came in too.

This tree is quite a little story. I got it in an auction lot last spring. The auctioneer noted that it was missing its top, but came with a large plastic storage tote. I figured that for a dollar we could use the tote anyway, and since no one else bid, it came home with us.

So fast forward to this weekend. I took the tree out and surprisingly it was all there. I put it together and even the lights worked.  But, it is too big for us, and I am not a fan of flocked trees. So I listed it on Facebook for $45, and sold it in a day.

Meanwhile, down in the rabbit hutch, new babies were born! We suddenly had 6 new ones, when we had decided that we must have all does because we've had these 3 rabbits since July and no babies. Why they decided to wait until this cold, cold weather to give birth is a mystery.

But we needed another hutch, as we will have to separate the buck from the does. And wouldn't you know it, we found one on Facebook for $50. So while I stayed home yesterday and sold the tree, Larry went and picked up the hutch. Net cost: 6.00 (adding in the dollar thevtree cost us). As soon as it warms up a bit we will move the buck. Then we will soon need another hutch for the babies. The rabbitry is growing almost too fast! Of course, the babies may not survive this cold weather. We added a lot of new bedding, and hope that will be enough to keep them alive.

We had a busy day today of restocking our booths at both locations. Weekend sales were very good, so we had many holes to fill. Our best sales were this china cabinet,

and this set of four Jadeite bowls, 

which bring high dollar these days. (Sorry for the poor photo--taken through the glass door.) The van was full of totes, but we managed to empty almost all of them. 

Now I am at home in my "Mama chair", with a cranberry mimosa at my side and a fire just getting going in the fireplace. I doubt I will be doing much of anything else this evening. Cheers, friends!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You are quite the traders. Enjoy the rest of the week.

    1. Sometimes it works out well! Actually, around here trading and such are the norm. People share and barter and everyone usually wins in the end.

  2. You are a busy woman, Sue. The calendula blooms look lovely.

    1. Angie, have you ever used calendula in your cooking, or as a garnish? I have used the petals occasionally in salads and other dishes. They are so pretty.

  3. First snows of the winter forecast here in the next few days, though I doubt that we'll get much, if any, down here in the south of the country. Your wheeling and dealing seems to be going well; recycling items seems to be much more "acceptable" than it used to be as a means of buying presents. It seems that rabbits don't always breed "like rabbits".

    1. Yes, that's true, John. Vintage Christmas items are in very high demand these days, and then of course the vintage look itself is "in" these days. I just hope the trend continues.

  4. Now I like the idea of a cranberry mimmosa...thanks for the inspiration! Silly rabbits! Great sales/exchanges! Yes, we're pretty cold here too now...but due to get into 40s soon, so I shall be out and about.

  5. I think our weather finally made it your way. If it is the same weather, give it a few days, we are back into the 40's now. We are headed your way in just over a week to see our daughter in the Chambersburg, PA area.

    1. I think it must be the same, as we will be warming up toward the weekend. This first cold snap is always a shock to the system though!

  6. The mama will probably be able to keep the babies warm with her pulled-out fur (I'd contribute a bag of raw cashmere for extra support if you lived closer)but I'd be more concerned about the other rabbits attacking them or the buck going after all of them, mother and bunnies. I used to raise rabbits, and I think I always separated a bred doe in a big cage with an enclosed nest box. But you probably know more about rabbit-raising than I do, so I'll be quiet now :) Oh, and it's been in the low 20s here quite often lately, but until yesterday it hasn't been windy so it's been pretty comfortable. Yesterday was blowing a gale all day long - SO cold!

    1. Quinn, we worried about leaving them all together, but with this cold decided to chance it. Honestly, I have forgotten what I knew about raising rabbits! So ordered a book yesterday, and will find a Facebook group to join. We are behind the curve on this. We got them because a friend had too many, and needed to remove some. Being right in the middle of garden season, I pushed them to the back of my mind, especially since we thought they were 3 does.

  7. That was a good deal selling the tree . Enjoy the bunnies. :)

    1. It worked out well, Bill. That tree probably cost close to $200 when new, so she got a good deal too.

  8. Well, that was a bit of providence, wasn't it? Someone got a tree. You got a rabbit hutch. It worked all the way around. There is an elderly lady across the street from one of our houses. I was talking to her. She's been going through her stuff and throwing things away. She tossed a set of jadeite bowls into the recycling. I was horrified. She said, "Nobody would want them. They were my mothers. (she's in her 90s)." I explained to her that she might want to talk to people before she tosses stuff, that jadeite is quite valuable. She didn't have a clue. God knows what else she got rid of.

  9. Oh my! I guess some people really don't know the trends in vintage stuff these days. I am glad you talked to her. I bet she could use the extra income too.


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