
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Putting Up, Putting Away

14f this morning, heavy frost. Mostly clear day, warming to 30f.

It seems like almost every day I am processing food of some sort. Saturday we got the deer meat in the freezer. Sunday I canned venison bone broth. Monday was pinto beans. Today, we dug the late carrots, which I washed up and put in the fridge --- a simple job this time! Aren't they pretty?

The baby rabbits survived the night, thankfully. It will be very cold again tonight. Tomorrow the temperature will begin to moderate, and Larry hopes to get the new hutch ready for the buck. 

I have been sorting out the totes from yesterday's restock today, and was happy to see that we had not brought much back home with us. So the empty totes are now clean and stored away. Then I did the same, finally, with the Christmas decorations totes. Larry finished putting up tbe outside lights, took down the few remains of the Fall decor and took the extra pumpkins out to the field to chop open for the wildlife. I did put some pumpkin in the freezer for later pies, but we had far too many to use for that purpose. 

Friday two of my sisters are coming for a weekend visit. I am so looking forward to that. It has been years since they have been here.

Tonight it is peaceful and quiet here. The dogs are asleep by the fire, and the outside lights make a soft glow in the night. It is feeling like winter, the time when we end our days early and settle down with books or a movie. Days may be busy, but then come the long evenings. 

Rest easy, friends. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Wish I could have some venison broth! It's rather cold over here too...I think today it's minus 1 C degree. Stay warm!

    1. I use the broth in place of beef broth, Angie. It is very good!

  2. Those carrots look good; I would have thought you'd have had stony soil up there in the mountains, and I know that can cause misshapen carrots - the gravelly soil at Grantchester certainly had that effect. Have a good (talkative) weekend!

    1. Actually, John, our soil is very deep...which is why we have such deep mud! Judy and my son George, on the other side of the state, have very rocky soil.

  3. Good to hear the little ones made it through the night, with each day they will get stronger and stronger. Fingers crossed they make it!

  4. Your carrots look great! Unlike those you get here at the supermarket.
    Yay for your Sisters coming over. Haven´t seen my Brother in ages...

  5. Yay, for those little bunnies. We just bought some carrots today at the market. Have a nice visit with your sisters.


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