
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Booth Day

30f this morning, still dark. Yesterday was a mixed bag of mist, sun, clouds, and chilly air.

I can't believe I am up and blogging before AC, but there it is. Actually I have been up since 4am, probably the result of drinking 2 big mugs of coffee with our late lunch yesterday. I kinda regret that, but after 3 hours or more working in my booths, I needed the coffee boost. Just a shame that the caffeine decided to take its job so seriously!

Taking out Christmas takes almost as much time as putting in Christmas,  but I managed to get most of the holiday decor toted up and everything restored to sober order. Sort of. The window was a quick change which I will re-do next week; just no time to do a proper job yesterday.

Sales for the month of December have been very good, especially at this location, which has had a lackluster year. We did okay,  but downsized by two booths when sales continued flat all spring and summer. It is easier to manage thev4vspaces wevhave now, although I miss the luxury of that really big booth. I don't miss the rent cost though!

A few pics from yesterday:

This makes me happy. The oak Hoosier is on layaway.  This cabinet was a labor of love, rescued from that falling- in old General store a year ago, cleaned, repaired, and refinished.

So we will soon be saying goodbye to this beauty.
And the hunt is on for another.

I think we may sell some sage sticks today, as some people like to do a purification ritual with them at the beginning of the year. 

This is an unusual item. It is a Wagner chicken fryer cast iron skillet, a "single notch" in the heat ring on its bottom that tells me it was made around 1930. It has a unique hammered finish. And a kinda high price.

The tablebi had with these two xhair sold, so today we will be getting, I hope, another table.

I finished the chair...and realized when I brought it in tbat it matched the phone I added to the booth last week! Serendipity. 

My sister has already claimed the xup and saucer,

and all 12 of the blue willow plates too! So they will come home on our next trip. 

Hoping I have a buyer for this dresser at last. Fingers crossed!

Hard to see in the photo, but these are a pair of petrified wood bookends, very heavy and so cool.

I don't think I have ever shown a photo of our 2 small display cases. Tbese house small, "walkable" items, just to discourage any light fingers. A lot of inexpensive pocketknives in this one,

and jewelry, political buttons, etc in this one.

I bought this big primitive shelf to sell over a year ago, and it doesvhave a price tag on it, but it is such a great piece for display I may just remove the tag.

Well, that's some of it anyway. I missed an entire booth and several walls, but enough already!

Today we will be on the road, going to Ohio to pick up some stuff. I am looking forward to the change of pace. 

One of the hens is singing now, already up and laying. Our 10 girls are producing 7 eggs a day, a plenitude indeed. I enjoy their happy clucking; the sound of contentment. Time for me to get the coffee going for Larry and get lunch packed for the road. Later, friends!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You were definitely up before I, but I often write it beforehand and set it to post at 7. Usually, I check it over one more time in the morning, but this morning I slept past my usual posting time. My sleep habits are changing lately. I'm both settling down later and sleeping later. I don't mind that now, but in good weather I'd like to be up early to catch the morning light. At least in theory, but I didn't do much of that in '23.

  2. Tim and I have been toying around with the idea of setting up a used furniture place. People throw so much away. Every time I see one of your spaces, it makes me think a bit harder.

  3. I'm so glad that cabinet is going to a lucky new owner! When you first started working on it, I tried very hard to imagine where I could put it in my tiny kitchen. There was an old Hoosier-style cabinet here when I bought the place, but it was lightweight and not really salvagible - at least, not by me. That oak beauty will go on and on :)


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