
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Plumb Tuckered

Maybe driving a few hours to Columbus and then back again today wasn't such a great idea the day after booth stocking, because we are both whupped. I thought a road trip would be a nice change of pace, but you know, I seem to forget that we are getting old. And those few hours of sleep last night weren't the best prep either.

Howsomever,  as my Dad would say, we did it and have returned road weary but in one piece. And the van is packed once again. So tomorrow will be unloading and sorting out. I think our best find today was a wheeled potato planter. I have never seen one and I wonder if it wasn't someone's personal invention. I will post a photo as soon as we unload.

We are debating going out for New Year's Eve, or staying home as usual. Do you have plans? Do you usually stay home, or go out on the town? Honestly, home, a fire, and some enriched eggnog sounds most appealing right now, but by tomorrow night I may feel differently. 

Speaking of movies (well, I was thinking of them), we seem to have amassed quite a collection of holiday movies. 

Yes, we live in the 90s, but remember we didn't have electricity here until 1990, so really we are screaming right along. Anyway, with no cable or high-speed internet available here, DVD, CDs, and radio are our entertainment. It looks like we have about 40 different movies in this stack, some being multi-disc sets, so we could watch one a night from Thanksgiving until close to New Year's,  I think. We have favorites, one being the Jimmy Durante one about a money-stealing squirrel. If you haven't seen it, you must. And if course, Best Christmas Pageant Ever, absolutely a comedy classic. But others are more serious, like Silent Night and Joueux Noel, both about Christmas truce during WWI and WWII. Heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. 

It's time to put the stack away, sadly, until next year. Maybe we will discover additions for bmnext year, although it's hard to imagine any we've missed.

Time for bed, and I hope, some really solid sleep!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Howsomever is a great word, your Father sure was creative - may I borrow this?
    And I look forward to see the wheeled potato planter! Not that we have space to plant much here... but I like to learn!
    We stay home, Ingo got two small bottles of sparkling wine.
    You had no electricity till 1990???
    Please tell more!
    Our Peanut(s) only steal walnuts ;-)
    I have "Dad´s" movie right here, "It's a Wonderful Life" - with that - to a happy 2024!
    P.S. have the nutcracker-post ready :-) Well, of traditions in general...

    1. Happy New Year, Irish! You may certainly use Dad's word. He probably didn't invent it, but i don't know where he may have got it.
      Yes, somewhere years back on this blog I wrote about our years without electricity. I may have to revisit that. It was fun in many ways, much work in others.

  2. You should co.e to the Dakotas picking. Potato planters everywhere. Well, not everywhere, but they are not uncommon. That's one thing we like about antiquing, the different items in various parts of the country.

    1. Yes, we should! There is much to see in the north, and we have never been much in the midwest, really, except to fly over. Happy New Year, Jim!

  3. NYEve will be just about like any other eve for us.

    1. For many people it seems to be a quiet evening. Which is good too.

  4. I have never heard of the Great Rupert before! Thanks for that. I'm watching it right now.

    1. Best line: (reminding his daughter not to save the polar bear rug with the radio) "I'd sure hate to miss the Jimmy Durante show!" What a corny and sweet movie.

    2. I hope you enjoyed it, Debby. Corny but fun!

  5. I can't wait to see that potato planter! And oh my, do I get that "seem to forget about getting old" feeling.

    1. Yes, and am reminded of my age more often these days! Although if I finally get this knee taken care of, I would feel so much better. It is really hampering me now.

  6. We haven't gone out at night for a very long time. Our advanced age and worsening eyesight being the main reasons. And partying is beyond us anymore so we stayed home and were in bed shortly after 8 p.m. as usual.

  7. I can’t even remember that last time we actually stayed up until midnight! Snuggled up to Miriam at 10 pm seems much more fun to me!


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