
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Boxing Day

48 this morning, cloudy and drizzle. Warm enough to leave a window open all night, and turn the heat down to low.

The last piece of peat we brought back from Ireland in 2017, burning on Christmas Eve. 

I think this day should be called recovery day! 

My goodness, what a day we had yesterday. We started with our Buddy getting skunked at around 3 am. Oh, yes, the smell was intense, strong enough to wake me up. Although Larry, who very likely did not want to have to get up to check on things, claimed he couldn't smell a thing! He couldn't have done anything anyway,  the damage was done.

So it was a stinky Christmas morning, and Buddy found himself persona non gratis,  poor boy. He made a dash inside to jump on Larry in the bed, but was firmly and immediately chased back outside. I was just thankful that we were going to Hannah's for dinner, I don't think anyone would have enjoyed our unique Christmas scent.

But it really was a nice day. I made black walnut waffles and sausage for breakfast and as usual made far too many, so we have them in the freezer now. 

Way too many waffles! Thank goodness they freeze well! 

Then we opened our gifts to each other, from our oldest son, and from granddaughter Sarah. I think I made out like a bandit, with a new tablet which I am using to write this, some lovely French soaps and lotion, new pants, a vintage necklace, chocolates, and Sarah's handmade salve and lip balm. 

Larry got a new tablet too, along with pants, shirts, a Lowes gift card and a metal detector,  something he has always wanted. We had long, happy chats with the 3 sons who weren't here, and enjoyed hearing about their Christmas. My oldest was happy to hear from his son Clayton,  who is serving in the Mid-East on the missile cruiser USS Philippines.

Then it was time to load up the van with presents, pies, cheese and crackers, punch bowl and eggnog fixin's,  and over the ridge and down the holler to the highway and the road to Hannah's.  We arrived there to find cooking in full swing. Derek and his daughters had already made pasta salad, deviled eggs, and tossed salad, the ham was covered in pineapples and cherries and ready for the oven, broccoli casserole and baked beans were in progress, and Derek was peeling potatoes for mashed potatoes. At one point Hannah said, "Granny, i don't know how you did this by yourself all those years!"  But of course, I didn't have 2 little ones crying after me back then. Well, I guess I did, but I was in Virginia and we ate at one parent's or the other. By the time we moved here, I was an old hand at juggling babies (Aaron, our 4th, was a year old then, the others were 2, 4, and 5).  And I didn't cook for a big crowd until later in my life. At one point, Haley said, "The torch has been passed. Time for us to do this". I have to say, I felt so proud of them. I helped where I could, but it was such joy to see them, with help from their Dad, competently prepare such a spread.

Dinner was plentiful and delicious. Then it was time for gifts. I thought it remarkable that the 2 little ones, ages 2 and 5, were so patient about waiting.  What a commotion, what noise, what fun! Is there anything like seeing little children open gifts?  

Then eggnog and dessert, oh my!

At last it was time to head home again, where the smell had dissipated a good bit---but not on Buddy, so he was sadly out in the workroom all night.

And so another Christmas passes into the book of memories,, although is still a bit of celebrating left to do.  Today I am back to painting furniture, but we will be having dinner with friends, so the fun will continue. I do hope all of you had the day you hoped for, and a good and peaceful day today. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Well that is a full and joyous day. With our TG and Christmas being more than 2 months apart, we tend to do turkey for both meals. We don't anymore, but most seem to.

    1. I wish our two holidays were further apart, too. Actually, I often wonder about Thanksgiving. Surely Americans don't need a day dedicated to overeating?

  2. Looks like that you had a delicious and fun X'mas. Those waffles are excellent!

    1. Thanks, Angie! Had them again, with strawberry syrup. Yum.

  3. That is so much food! I am getting full just looking at it. I have to wonder what that burning peat smells like. It could not have been anything like that peat scotch the girls tried the other day, as that smelled more like Buddy after getting sprayed!

    1. Lol, that sounds like an awful drink! Burning peat has a sweet, earthy smell, really nice. Nothing like Buddy!

  4. Sounds like you had a great day with family, you can't beat that.

    1. It was wonderful, Bill. And a nice change from cooking!

  5. Oh, boy!!! Sorry, you made me laugh! We don´t have skunks, and I am glad!
    Waffles freeze well? Good to know! And you made me all hungry.
    Such a happy post, thank you for the smiles!

    1. No skunks? Wow, I am jealous. And yes, waffles can be frozen easily. I just warm them up in a warm, not hot,, oven.

  6. A stack of waffles for the freezer - what a great idea!
    It must be wonderful to have generations all around you, stepping up together to make a celebration. I had a mostly quiet Christmas Day but I'm going to my Occasional Helper's house for a little visit tomorrow, and will see the kids open my presents - so Christmas is still going on here. I hope Buddy's aroma fades fast - that brings back the kind of memories I feel right in my throat!

  7. When you say you made extra waffles you're not kidding. Wish I lived close!


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