
Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Day Before

46 and partly cloudy. Rain may be on the way.

A busy day yesterday, packing up gifts and making a few things.

Lemon and cinnamon candy, and black walnuts Larry shelled.

Lemon hard candy prior to breaking it up. I wanted sour lemon, and this isn't it, so research needed!

More black walnuts. Not everyone likes them, but we are gifting to some friends who love them.

My homemade kahlua! So easy. Very strong coffee, dissolve in lots of sugar. When cool, add lots of vanilla and vodka. Bottle up and done! You can find exact recipes on line, but I just taste to be sure it's right. Which took, ahem, several tastes...

Then the evening, watching an Irish Christmas movie called The Christmas Star (smarmy and definitely G-rated, but nice), and of course Scrooge.

Today is final cleaning day. It is so warm, almost 60, that I have moved my plants outside for a few days. They will be very happy if it rains. Next up is pies for tomorrow's dinner at our granddaughter's house. But that will happen after a break for an adult beverage!

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas Eve!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Your house looks so cozy with that fireplace burning.

  2. Merry Christmas! I enjoy your blog very much!

  3. Thanks for the good wishes, and the same to you all!!

  4. Everything looks so delightful, so cozy, so delicious! Merry Christmas to you all!

  5. All looks wonderful, have a lovely day. Happy Christmas:)

  6. The walnuts and Kaluha sound good. Hope you have a great day today!

  7. That looks like a different version of Scrooge from the two we watch every year although w haven't got around to them yet this year. We watch the Simms and Scott versions.

  8. Hope you are having a great day, Merry Christmas

  9. Oh my gosh, the jars of black walnuts picked out of the shells! That's a labor of love!
    It's not 60 here, but it's warm enough that I've deliberately let the stove go out for the third time, and expect to need no heat for the next two or three days. Unless we get relentless rain again, in which case I'll have a fire to take the chill out of my bones. It's so strange to be off-and-on with heat, but it does make the wood last longer! :) I hope you had a beautiful Christmas Day :)

  10. Your Christmas day sounded just perfect. But I have to ask...which version of A Christmas Carol do you watch? My favorite Scrooge is George C Scott.


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