
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Crafting, and Weekend

Didn't check the temperature this morning, but right now it is 30f. Got up to 50 today, mostly overcast but a nice day.

It is a quiet night here, just me and the dogs as Larry is away overnight. Earlier, just after dark, the dogs were outside and barking like crazy. What was out there? Who knows. It was pitch black with no moon, and heavy cloud cover. I went out with a light but saw nothing, yet both dogs were hackled up and growling.  So something, definitely.  

With Larry gone, I have had a busy day. Yes, still canning, this time venison stew. It is as handy as a can of Dinty Moore, I swear. I also tied some evergreens with red ribbon to hang on the porch and cellar house, made this garland of apples and orange slices I dried,

and made a few mini wreaths of rosemary to hang in the windows.

Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs, and folklore has many powers associated with it.

Yesterday I did one of my closet sorting-outs, getting rid of things I haven't worn for a while, and then semi-organizing by color. 

I used to do this when I was working, to save time in the mornings, and now I still do it because it still saves time. I don't actually own a lot of clothes; these in the closet, 3 drawers in a dresser, and a small lingerie chest are all I have. And all I need. I've never been much about clothes, which is fortunate because our house does not have much in the way of closet space. 

I am happy to report that our rabbits are doing well. We fixed up a second hutch and separated the buck from the does and babies yesterday. The first babies are growing so fast! They are already, at one month old, about half the size of their mothers.

I just realized that I hadn't written about the weekend. Two of my sisters, one from the other side of West Virginia and the other from northern Virginia, came to visit and we had such a good time. Afyer a lovely visit Friday evening with my son Derek and his daughter and granddaughter, we were up early Saturday for breakfast and a craft show in town. It was so nice to be able to introduce my sisters to many froends there. Then we drove down to Huntington to see our only remaining aunt, who is now 89. On the way we stopped to see this West Virginia icon: Mothman!

We had a good visit with our aunt and her bird Frankie,

then stopped at an antique mall where I ran into a friend who has a booth there. We got back to Ripley just in time for the Christmas parade. What fun! I do enjoy a nighttime parade. 

It was a very full day. My sisters had to leave Sunday morning, and I was so sad to see them drive away. I will probably not see them again until family reunion in May.

Now I think it is time to sleep. Goodnight, friends!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I really love that garland of apples and orange! That's a cool picture of your aunt with Frankie on her shoulder :-)) What kind of bird is Frankie? I too just got rid of 3 bags of 3-pieces-suits, pants, and ties from my husband...some are completely new.

    1. Frankie is a parakeet, Angie. She could no longer manage a dog or a cat, so she got a bird because she loves having a pet.

  2. You keep so busy, it is a wonder that you can find the time to blog. I don't have that little problem. 😎

  3. Good to hear your bunnies are doing well. Now that they have made it this long, you would think they are over the riskiest part, right?

    1. Yes, I think so, Jim. Everyone seems to be settled in pretty well.

  4. I forgot to mention. Mothman? I had never heard of him, so it was interesting reading up on what he was all about!

    1. Oh yes, I should have linked Mothman! I have written about him several times. There is a big festival in the fall that drew people from around the world this year.

  5. Mothman is rather impressive, never heard of him. Yay, for the bunnies. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the time with your sisters. Enjoy the day, Sue.

    1. He's a big West Virginia legend, Bill. Quite the story, really, all about supposedly an alien landing.

  6. I'm glad to hear the bunnies are doing so well!


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