
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

What Bird is That?

34 this morning, overcast and light showers. Brrr.

I had to make a quick run to town this morning, as I used up the last of the rabbit feed last night. We needed a waterer and feed bowl for the buck's new home too. So now he is all set up, everyone is fed and happy. Eggs are gathered,  hens watered and fed, dogs and cat ditti, and I can take a short break.

On the way out,  I spotted these two lovelies on the small lake at the end of our road. 

These birds have been here for over a week, and I cannot figure out what they are. Unfortunately there is no way to get closer for a better photo, at least for this old lady. Are they trumpeter swans, or snow geese? Or mute swans? I wish I could figure it out. I can't quite see their beaks, which would help. They are so lovely.

Larry should be back this evening, so the house is all mine today. Sometimes a day alone is good. Got laundry done, scrubbed the stove, swept, bed made, etc, etc, and now I am just reading blogs and drinking tea. I have a simmerpot of apples, cinnamon sticks and whole nutmeg on the stove and carols on the CD player (yes, we are a couple decades behind!). It's a gray ol' day,  but cozy as can be inside. Later I will work on Christmas cards, and maybe make noodles from the overabundance of eggs in the fridge. Our hens are being very generous these days! 

A few holiday vignettes from around the house:

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You reminded me to take some photographs of our miniscule Christmas decorating. As in everything you do, yours seem to have taken over your abode.

    1. I really enjoy decorating for Christmas. Take after my English mother! We always did a good bit when I was a child. Actually, a good bit of my decorations are just things we already had out, just rearranged a bit. But I understand those who keep it to a minimum; much simpler!

  2. So cozy! I love all the decorations. We don't do a single thing to decorate, although I love to find a fir tree-scented candle to burn in winter. But your day in the house alone sounds so lovely!

    1. Many people don't decorate, or just do a little. I get that. For me, it's family tradition, and then there's the folklore aspect of it, which I love.

  3. I can almost imagine the sights, sounds and aroma in your house. It sounds so peaceful and comforting.

  4. Your place looks well 'festivized'. :)

    1. A friend said, Christmas decorating should look like joy exploded in your house!

  5. So christmasy and beautiful. I am not much into holiday decoration, just a few candles and a small tree...even with so little deco, my cats are playing with them...had to put them away at night.

    1. Oh my! Our cat pays no attention to decorations, but he is mostly an outside boy.

  6. The swans look like the ones who are common in Germany.
    Yes, I am so with you! When Ingo is not home I put on the Bose and... clean, cook, all that.
    Nice to learn I am not alone! :-)
    > apples, cinnamon sticks and whole nutmeg is on the way, we might make baked apples soon.
    When I visit my Brother I will get good eggs of free roaming chicken again.

    1. Funny how we can be so alike, even thousands of miles and a culture apart! The eggs will taste wonderful for sure. And baked apples, I need to make some. It has been years.

  7. There’s not quite enough detail in your picture for me to be a hundred percent certain but I am pretty sure they are barnyard geese that have escaped and reverted to a wild state. Great to see in any event.

    1. Well, do you know i never even thought of the domestic bird! I will try for a better photo, or at least have a look with binoculars.

  8. Your house looks lovely. Your day on your own sounds perfect. There is nothing finer to me than to have the work all done and supper simmering. To sit down on in a perfect room on a comfortable house with a good book is such a luxurious feeling.

    1. Ah, yes! I am exactly the same, Debby. My house is seldom in such good order, because we always have some project or other going on. But right now it's close...just this china cabinet to finish painting, a small table ditto, and...well, several other things!

  9. Looks like you found a nice recipe for a festive season. Peace, music, stuff simmering on the stove and beautiful decorations. Enjoy!!!

  10. I got two huge bags of cinnamon sticks at a tag sale a few years ago, and often put a few in the open kettle I keep on the woodstove. It's especially nice coming in from outside and getting hit with that warm aroma. It may be a lifetime supply of cinnamon sticks, as I haven't even opened the second bag yet :)


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