
Thursday, December 7, 2023


30f this morning, light clouds and damp after showers yesterday. 

New moon rose early this morning.

I am up too early again today, as Larry's cough kept waking me up. Into the kitchen at 4am for tea and toast and the New York Times puzzles.  And while waiting on the water to boil i put a coat of paint on the inside shelves of the china cabinet I am trying to finish. So a jump start on the day.

I will be tired later,  but there is something peaceful about this time of day. So quiet, not even the coyotes crying. In summer the birds would be awake and the sun would be bright already, but here in the heart of December, the world around me still sleeps. It is almost 7 now, so soon the school bus will lumber across the ridge with its load of sleepy-eyed children. I will hear the distant neighbor's rooster, and my hens will begin announcing the arrival of the day's first eggs. But at this minute, all is still. Not even a breeze stirring the bare branches.

Today is booth restock day. I finished this table yesterday, so it will go in with us, to replace a table sold over the weekend. 

I will feel the effects of this early morning later, but I don't regret being up to see that moon, and enjoy a bit of peace. Now it is time to get dressed and get on with the day.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I actually enjoy the quiet morning while everybody else sleep..I always get up before out, cook and enjoy my OMAD..the new moon shot is really pretty!

    1. Not sure what OMAD is? But I do admire your motivation!

  2. I awoke at the same time. I did stay in bed for another hour, hoping against hope. Alas, it was not meant to be.

    1. Normally I would do the same but this time I was just too awake.

  3. There was no moon at all when we went out to the hot tub last night. Just the stars and the winds whispering through the pines.

  4. The new moon shot is fabulous. Have a great day, you'll sleep well tonight. :)

  5. By noon when I happened to be sitting and waiting outside, the moon was just a barely visible sliver of itself. The place we were waiting to open never did while our patience was tested, so we went home. Another time perhaps.

    1. I imagine the moon stayed visible quite a while, Barb. And how frustrating that the place never opened!

  6. Oh, I meant to say the early hours are certainly peaceful, and I can understand why that's the chosen time for people who meditate.

  7. There is nothing like the peace of being up before anyone else, including the birds.

  8. Early morning is always a special time for me. I see the sky lighten every morning, and darken every evening, and I think it keeps me somehow centered in time, better than any clock.


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