
Monday, December 18, 2023

Over the River and Through the Woods

37 and rain, which later turned to flurries. A blustery day!

Those white streaks are snow blowing sideways in a wind coming straight down from Lake Erie.

So, over the river and through the woods to Ohio we went this morning! Yes I have Covid but I never got out of the van, so no worries about infecting anyone, and I really don't feel too bad, just stuffy-headed and drowsy. It was a drive straight over and back, and we saw yet another pretty part of Southern Ohio we had not seen before. It looks very like West Virginia, really.

I had arranged this little trip to pick up some wagon wheels before I knew i was sick, so we decided to go anyway. We had some nice snow flurries before we left, and ran through several very nice squalls. I know you Canadian readers think I'm nuts but I do love to see it snow. Although if we had what you get, I probably would not like it nearly as much.

Now I am back fireside, drinking Constant Comment tea and having a bagel and cream cheese, while outside the snow is really swirling about and the wind is howling. We might actually see a bit stick to the ground, but when we got home this was all we had:

Since I am trying to rest and not get into any projects (they are sitting here staring at me, 2 chairs and a bookshelf to paint) I thought it might keep me occupied to look back through my years of blogging to see what I was doing on or around this date in the past. 

2022: SantaCon
16 years of posts! My goodness, I have been a chatty Cathy, haven't I! But reading back through them certainly stirred up a lot of good memories.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sorry to hear of your Covid but the Constant Comment and bagel with cream cheese sound like a good way to "mend your oars". Rest. And take care of yourself.

  2. My husband loves SNOW too and we miss the white X'mas. It's freezing cold, but no sight of snow at all. Hope you get well soon, Sue. p.s, for the pumpkin walnut pate, you can sub. coriander powder with cumin, or garam masala or even a simple curry powder.

  3. I had Covid, for the first time, in November and it was pretty mild, but I can’t shake the cough. Hope you feel better soon! - Jenn

  4. This Canadian joins you in your appreciation of snow. My only caveat, especially as I get older, is that I don’t like driving in it, and mostly I can avoid that. As a birder, there is so much winter enjoyment as northern species move into our area, and the first glimpse of a Snowy Owl each year is as astounding as it has ever been. Some things never change.

  5. I got so intrigued by one of your old posts, I forgot that I'd started a comment...but alas, it wasn't here after I closed your site, so I'm starting again. I wanted to see how you posted in 2020 and were coping with pandemic. You mentioned it in just a couple of ways, and your sales were doing well, which I was glad to see. So many businesses weren't able to continue.

  6. This Canadian doesn't hate the snow, and thankfully, we had some overnight. Previous falls had vanished, but the world looks brighter and cleaner with a bit of fresh snow.

  7. 16 years is a lot of blogging! We are just a few hours north of you now experiencing the same weather. Coolish, wet and windy! Hope you start to feel better soon!

  8. It's good to look back and see a record of what you were doing and saying.

  9. We've had very little snow so far, but - unfortunately - more deluge. Back to boot-sucking mud by the barns. Still, it's sunny today, so I'll focus on that! Hope you continue to feel mostly well :)


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