
Sunday, December 17, 2023


41f this morning after night rain; overcast with rain predicted this afternoon.

Well, it caught me. No surprise there, and I am sure Larry had it the other week when he wasn't well; he got it from grandson James, who just thought he had a cold. Fortunately I have not been in close proximity to anyone for several days; even when we were out we were not in crowds or even close to anyone except possibly the poetry taping (have to let them know), so I hope I did not pass this on. It just feels like a bad head cold. So Dayquil/Nyquil it is for a few days. And I get to skip the doctor appointment tomorrow,  just a followup that I have rescheduled. That doesn't break my heart!

On a happy note, two granddaughters that usually come here for Christmas dinner have volunteered to cook this year! First time since I can remember that we have not done Christmas dinner here. What a treat. I will make pies, but they are doing the rest. 

And more happy news, granddaughter Sarah is coming for a visit in January! Something to look forward to, an after-Christmas treat.

Speaking of grandchildren,  I had a long text conversation with grandson Clayton, who is on the USS Philippine Sea in the Mid-East right now. His enlistment is over in June, and he us really looking forward to coming home. We sure have missed him.

You know, our grandchildren keep us so interested in what they are doing with their lives.. Among them we have 2 in the Navy, one full time Army National Guard, an electrician apprentice, an eating disorders therapist, a legal mitigation specialist, a lawyer, a teacher, a musician, a manager of recreational marijuana stores, a lab tech, an admin assistant, an automotive tech, and a junior in college studying forensic biology. The youngest is a senior in high school, still deciding what school she will attend on graduation. All good people, contributing to this troubled world in good ways.

Granny is off to make more tea. I plan to pretty much drown myself in tea today! And maybe movies. Just feels like that kind of day. Be well, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. o No...covid now? Right before X'mas? Get well soon, Sue.

    1. Thank you, Angie. I am not very sick, really, just a stuffy head and a cough. But I don't want to spread it around. As for Christmas, I am pretty much ready, and we have no big plans. So I can just watch Christmas movies and drink tea for a few days!

  2. Well, that's no good. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Ugh. You are the 4th person I have heard that has gotten covid. Not what you wanted for Christmas, I am sure. You have 15 grands???!! The youngest is about to graduate?? But how lovely of them to step up!

    1. Yes, lots of grands! And 6 great-grands. Love 'em all to death, lol.

  4. Your family sounds... WOW.
    You must be very proud.
    And hopefully fit soon again, too. I have but a "mini-cold" and my arm is getting better!

  5. Thank you, Iris. We are proud of them, and thankful that they are well and just good people.
    I feel better today, watching snow flurries and the sleeping dogs! I am glad to hear your arm is getting better, just take care of that cold!

  6. Glad it doesn't seem severe. I have been starting to mask in stores again. I don't find it to be a hardship. And certainly every physio appointment takes place with both of us masked.

  7. So sorry to hear you're not well! But glad it seems to be not too bad in terms of symptoms. FIngers crossed you'll be 100% soon!


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