
Saturday, January 27, 2024

And Just Like That...

47°F this morning, overcast. No chance to see the full moon last night. Rain expected later today.

...the snow was gone. That had to be the fastest snowmelt I have ever witnessed. We still had a good cover when we went to bed Tuesday night, but by Wednesday morning only tiny bits remained in shaded areas. By yesterday we were back up to Temps in the upper 50s and low 60s, and I didn't need a jacket to go walking. 

But mud! Oh.My.Yes. The ground never actually froze under the snow, so all that moisture was sucked right in. In areas, it is like walking on a sponge. I am not complaining, though, as we will need that moisture in the water table in the summer. Our area averages 43 inches of rain a year, which is good. Just have to accept it whenever it comes.

Sarah arrived Thursday night from Colorado (of course she did! It is almost always rainy and muddy when she's here,  poor girl!) and is hoping more materials arrive for her cabin during her short stay, but we shall see. I have such little faith in that container home company. But things are moving, and when she returns in March everything should be here. Fingers crossed!

We spent Thursday afternoon restocking our bioth in Ripley. It really needed little since sales were nonexistent during the bad weather, but should start picking up again. Happily, we sold a dressing table yesterday that had been in our Ravenswood booth for two years, so maybe furniturevwill begin to move again. The Hoosier and another cabinet there are on layaway, so I am hopeful that people will start buying bigger pieces again.

Our walk yesterday took us across the flat--which is not really flat, but flatter than most of our land. Larry keeps this land brushhogged, but one still has to watch for uneven ground,  holes, etc. The dogs were puzzled at first because to them a walk means going uphill! But they found plenty to explore. 

Where we cross the beginning of our run (stream), there is a hole where the water goes underground for a bit. So cool to hear it.

Looking across the deep holler (ravine) toward the house. 

The sad remains of our last hive.

A dogwood seems to be in love with a persimmon tree, so tightly wrapped they are.

The giveaway that allowed me to easily identify the dogwood--those little buds on the end of the branches. And the persimmon is also easy to name because of the square pattern of its bark.

On the way back, looking towards the driveway. Something odd happened with this photo, must have hit a wrong button. The sky sure wasn't that color. 

And home again. Larry's cardboard in his garden has been uncovered-- he had leaves over it but the wind decided to place them elsewhere. 

In that garden I found some nice clumps of winter cress. I picked a few to add to the salad for dinner.

And dinner? Chicken pot pie. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. This looks much like walking on my farm. We also have mud after all of the snow and now rain. My chickens keep scratching in the muddy spots and seem to love making a mess. I have two boxes of bees arriving in April. Trying to get back into it since I have the time.

    1. We are hoping to start with bees again too. I miss them. And yes, it is even muddied now, with more rain tonight. Yuck.

  2. For a change, we had a couple of sunny days. That chicken pot pie looks great.

    1. Thanks, Angie! I use biscuits instead of pastry, like my mother used to do.

  3. I like the biscuits making chicken pot pie. At least that's what they look like to me. Yes, the weather is super crazy. Zips up and down the thermometer, with lots of precipitation, so that is also a good thing here.

    1. Yes, those are biscuits, Barb. My mom used to make it like this, and we like its heartiness. Weather is still crazy! Rain, rain, and now some minor flooding.

  4. It is okay to see your colour, even if somewhat muted. We have been in somewhat of a melt, but we are still a long way from seeing green.

    1. It is even greener now, AC, since we are getting even more rain. Crazy weather.

  5. When we drove through your area, all I could think about is that I'd really have to be in shape to hunt those hills. The terrain there is crazy!

    1. You know it! Four wheelers are mighty popular with hunters these days.

  6. A lovely walk and a tasty looking dinner:)

  7. That chicken pot pie looks great but how many guests did you have for dinner?

    1. Let's see...Larry, me, Derek, Sarah, Hannah, Haley, Ryland...I think that was it. There were no leftovers of the pot pie or the big tossed salad!

  8. Lovely virtual visit. -- Mary G.


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