
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Up to the Cabin

29°F this morning, overcast. Rain in the forecast for later today.

Our lovely snow is melting. Interestingly, the ground beneath it is not frozen, as we found out when we built our snowman. I am hopeful that my rosemary and lavender might just make it through this year. It is not easy in our area, where we get such dramatic swings in temperature. 

We walked up to Sarah's cabin yesterday. I wanted to get photos for her of her place in the snow, since it will most likely be gone by the time she arrives on Thursday. Already much has melted, and the icicles have fallen from the house. That makes me a little sad, as they were so amazing. 

What a pretty day! It warmed to 43°, and I went hatless and jacket open, with gloves in my pocket! Such a change in one day.

Here a bird's wings brushed the snow as the bird hopped about. Such a delicate pattern.

Can you believe the blue of that sky?

Deer tracks were everywhere,  even very close to our house. Since the dogs have been inside during these cold days, the deer apparently have free range.

Another bird apparently found something,  an acorn perhaps?

Looking toward our house from her road.

I am not sure what/who made this interesting pattern.

The deer rooted down through the snow searching for feed. I noticed quite a bit of green in the uncovered areas.

Deer tracks lead us up the hill.

The outhouse looks pretty nice in the snow.

Two views from the cabin.

Far below, you can just see the roof of our house. 

And back down the hill, where you can see our road heading up. 

And finally back home.

Poor Mr. Snowman! I noticed this morning that there were many birds pecking around in the bare ground there...and a squirrel came and stole his black walnut buttons while I was watching! We gave his carrot nose to the rabbits, but he soldiers on in his WWI helmet.

Larry is off to a doc appointment today, but I have decided to stay home. I had thought to have him drop me off at one of our booths, but sales have been so light there is really no need to go in. So one more day of holing up! Suits me fine.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. So nice of you to think of taking pictures for Sarah! And what lovely pictures of a sunny day and blue sky - again I am struck by how similar the features of our landscapes look. Although you have far more "elbow room" than I do! My plan was always to buy another little house with a lot more land, or even just a lot more land upon which to build a little house of my own design, but at this point in my life that plan is looking more like a wish than a plan, and it's a good job I like the little place I've got pretty well.

    1. Ah how life intercepts our plans! I have never really seen Massachusetts, just Boston, but would love to one day.

  2. When I was a young whippersnapper I would go out and walk in the snow but no more. 'Course we don't get snow like that anyway but still! I had a friend found dead in his front yard a few days ago. Don't want to join him. Sorry for the downer.

    1. What a shock that must have been for you. I am sorry, Bruce. Poor guy though.

      We take it very slowly out there, not really walking but more strolling with frequent pauses, because these hills are not easy. I have several friends my age that still hike, and I admire them but have no desire to emulate them.

  3. We too enjoy going for walks through a snow covered forest and see what the woodland creatures have been up to. It's is fascinating to see tracks from mice to deer in the snow.

    1. Yes! And to try to figure out when! They are certainly quiet about it.

  4. Wow, you have a lot of snow and awwww, poor snowman! Here it warmed up to 7C/44F.

  5. It has been warm here as well, and our snow is pretty much melted. It is raining now.


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