
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Out and About Again

19°F this morning, cloudy. Snow predicted for this evening.

The dogs and I walked to the mailbox again yesterday. Our driveway isn't very long, about a quarter of a mile, I think, but it's all uphill to the mailbox so it's a nice workout. Although I admit, I go slow so it's not too bad. 

The snow started melting, as you can see, although the temperature never got above 23.

It's funny how a camera flattens out a slope! This is actually quite a steep part of our road. We sometimes find morel mushrooms in this curve in the Spring, as it gets very little sun.

Buddy was quite well behaved, with the shock collar on! I only had to hit the warning buzzer a couple times. He can be a good boy...sometimes.

When I was at the doc the other day I asked about Meloxicam,  which my pharmacist daughter-in-law had recommended.  Turns out my youngish doctor takes it herself. She wrote me a prescription and I have been taking it the last few days. Friends, the reduction in arthritis pain is amazing.i am always astonished at what a tiny little pill can do. I don't like taking meds, but I sure appreciate the ones that work as well as this one.

Not much going on here. I made split pea soup yesterday, perfect for a cold day. People seem to be in two camps about this soup. They either love it or hate it. Which are you? Mine is a chunky version with lots of ham, potatoes,  carrots and onions. Also garlic, bay leaf, Worchestershire sauce,  a little hot sauce, and venison broth. Yum.

Oh, and here is a photo of the camp where we write poetry. It's along the Greenbrier River Trail in Pocahontas County, WV. 

That yellow color! Well, according to the camp owners, that was the original color. This house was built in 1909 as a railroad section boss's home. The trail is a rail trail, for hiking, bikes, and horses. The state occasionally sends workers  to check trail conditions, so they are allowed to drive on it but not anyone else. The camp has their own access road that parallels the trail.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Glad to hear Meloxicam is working for you. I thought it might help Judy, who suffers from Fibromyalgia but after looking it up we saw it is an NSAID and she takes a blood thinner so NSAIDs are no good for her. Your snow is very pretty but I hope you're careful when walking to the mailbox.

  2. Your pea soup sounds like mine except for the venison broth! My husband’s favorite! Kathy

  3. Love split pea soup as do all my family members... comfort food with ham, potatoes, carrots and celery left in chunks. I haven't tried the other things you mentioned but time.

  4. Ugh, all that snow!!! I haven´t had pea soup for a loooong time! Last time was when I walked with soldiers, boy, never again!
    Over 20km in one piece! Ingo needed to go pee. I waited. There was a bench and I thought if I sit down I´ll never get up.
    So I stood right by the bench very obviously at the end of my strength.
    Every soldier greeted me, LOL!!!! I had to wait 15 minutes!!!

  5. I think I am in the "hate it" category, but truth be told, I do not think I have ever had it. I would try it though. Our driveway is about 1/4 mile long as well. Our mailbox is about 1/4 past that at the end of our road. I don't walk to get it as it is uphill both ways!

  6. Your soup seems hearty and delicious, and I have no doubt I would like it. I don’t know whether I have ever had split pea soup.

  7. It looks like a good walk with the snow. The third photo shows the grade pretty well.


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