
Friday, January 19, 2024

Snow Globe Morning

21°F this morning and snowing, after a nighttime snowfall of about 5 inches.

It looks like we may be home for several more days, as we had another good snowfall last night. 

And this is when Larry tells me that the block heater for our diesel tractor isn't working. In this cold weather the tractor won't start without it, so the driveway won't get plowed, it seems.  Since we have no plans to go out for a while, it's not a big problem, but it is frustrating.  I am still trying to understand the value of a diesel tractor as opposed to a regular gas tractor. To me the diesel is stinky and just a hassle. But all the men in my life assure me that diesel is better. I am not convinced.

UPDATE: the truck (Nissan Titan 4WD) made it up and down our hill just fine. Larry made a few trips to track in the snow. And shoveled the walks. And took care of critters. So banana blueberry and hickory nut pancakes and sausage were his reward!

But it is beautiful outside and I am looking forward to our walk today. We now have to spell w.a.l.k. as the dogs get very excited if we even say the word. I wonder how long before they learn to spell? 

So pretty!

Yesterday I sorted all the papers and receipts for taxes and began entering data on the spreadsheet. I was terrible about keeping up with the paperwork last year...again. I absolutely hate this kind of sit-in-the-chair work, but unless I want to hire it out, I am stuck with it. At least it's only one business now; when I was storytelling I had to keep track of those expenses too.

Time to make breakfast! Pancakes or waffles? Hmmm...

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Those lights are pretty neat. Cold here -3F, but it is bright today. Not sure where we will go for our little outing.

  2. Oh now I want to make pancakes again. Mmm. Glad your snow situation seems reasonable, and inviting for a w.a.l.k.! We've had a bit since before noon, which wasn't forecast...will see if any sticks here near Asheville.

  3. We had pretty much the same view out our window today, although the background scenery was much different.

  4. Those blueberry and banana and hickory nut pancakes and sausage sound just fine to me!

  5. Freezing's -9C degrees here.. I am battling whether I should go out for a walk or not today as it can be very slippery.

  6. Walk, Squirrel, Eat, Outside, those are all words we have to spell or abbreviate in our household. They sure are smart critters!


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