
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Returning to Our Normally Scheduled Program

28f this morning, with heavy frost. Overcast all day with a high of 43f.

So today we were back in our booths, a much sooner return than usual for a couple reasons.

One if the small tables we brought in, along with a cute old sewing box and some binoculars in a vintage case. I don't think the binoculars are old or even much good, but the case is cool.

First, my sister wanted the Blue Willow dishes I just put in one place, and second, we sold a bookshelf at the other place along with a few other pieces, so we had to bring some things in and tidy up there.  But it was easy work today, and we took a long lunch break at one of our favorite spots, where we ran into several friends. We had a nice long chat, and I added one more to our little group going to the Swan Lake ballet in February.

And that's about all the news, except that our granddaughter Sarah is sick so can't fly in tomorrow. So sad! I had planned to have her help plant some bulbs and select seeds for this year's garden, but that will have to wait until she can come. Well, not the bulbs. Tbey need to get in the ground ASAP.

But we will go to Columbus tomorrow anyway,  as we have arranged to pick up a Hoosier cabinet there---we were going to do that before getting Sarah from the airport. So back on the road we go. That Wordle game I got for Christmas will just have to wait until Sarah can come. Larry doesn't like word games, and is a terrible speller! 

To revisit New Year's for a moment, here is my oldest son and his daughter on New Year's morning, after climbing North Mountain in Eastern WV, to see the sunrise. This has been his tradition for years, and sometimes it has been well below zero when he goes. This time he had company; Grace is often his hiking partner, going on those week-long wilderness backpacking trips out West with him.

And here is my 4th so and his wife, celebrating at their home,

and youngest son (son #5) and his family, celebrating in their home in Miami.

Oddly, I have no photos of son #3, who was at the same place we were! Go figure. And as most of you know, our 2nd son passed away in 2010, but here is a photo of him (on the right) the last time he was here for New Year's Eve. We'd had a big bonfire and lots of people here,  a good and memorable evening. I can't begin to tell you how much he is missed; the good memories sustain us.

So off to bed now as we will have a long day again tomorrow. Sleep well, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I honestly cannot imagine any greater pain than losing a child. Do any of your sons live close by?

    1. You are right. Jon was the linchpin in our family. It has taken time to sort of repair the hole he left. But all one can do is go on. One son lives close by, another 2 hours away, the oldest is 5 hours away, so only the youngest is a great distance away from home.

  2. wow 5 sons! You have a big family! Enjoy your routines, Sue.

  3. I have probably said this six times already, but I am often surprised that you morning temperatures are so often similar to ours at this time of year. But I can tell you that we are months away from planting anything. 😊 I think we're due for snow later today.

    1. Tbat is really odd, AC. All I can figure is that we get the lake effect in this part of WV. Our weather is very different from where my son 2 hours northeast of us lives (not too far from Pittsburgh), and where my oldest lives in the eastern mountains of the state.

  4. You have a great family and such a busy life!
    Sounds like you gathered many more sweet memories!

  5. Have fun traveling and getting your shops re-orgainized!

  6. What kind of flowers do you plant at this time of year? I wish I could plant the tulip bulbs that were meant to go in before the ground froze. First it was too wet, then it was too cold. I suppose I'll try to plant them in early Spring and hope for the best. If I've killed those bulbs I'll feel awful about it.

  7. It is always so sad to lose a child. I know that you miss him as I miss my son, who died in his sleep on New Year's Eve several years ago.


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