
Saturday, January 6, 2024

Breakin' Up Christmas

30f and pouring rain. 

I don't understand how it can be below freezing and not be ice, sleet or snow instead of rain this morning, but there it is. I am thankful that it isn't ice, believe me. One major icestorm in my life was more than enough. Well, two actually, if you count the time when I was around 10, when the water tower in our town sprang a leak and coated a huge area around it with thick ice. Houses, cars, everything.  Of course we kids had to get over there and slide! But I wonder now if some people were actually stuck in their houses? That ice was very, very thick as I recall.

We have a mess going on today---putting away Christmas.  

The game of trying to match totes to lids begins! I think I should number them because there are such slight variations in the sizes that one black lid won't necessary fit a black tote. Very annoying. It would be easier of course if they were put away properly but I must rely on Larry for that, and he will just shove them willy-nilly back into the building, so...

We made the long drive to pick up a nice oak Sellers cabinet on Wednesday, then early Thursday learned that the rafters for Sarah's cabin would arrive that morning, so no time for sleeping in. The truck bringing the rafters went the wrong way (just as the one bringing the cabin did), and got stuck at the top of a steep gravel hill. Ah me. Son Derek tried to pull him out with no luck, so a wrecker had to be called. 
Then the truck could not get down our driveway, so the rafters were unloaded at the top og our ridge.. Derek called his friend Mark to help and bless their hearts the two of them got the rafters moved up to the cabin site. So Larry and I were off the hook for all that heavy lifting. 

I have been back to work painting furniture,  and finished up two nightstands yesterday,  with a nice console table in progress.  We spent an hour or two cleaning up and organizing in the workroom, and will get back to that today. I am determined to store our Christmas totes in there rather than the cellar top, to make it easier on Larry. But a lot of stuff needed to be moved, ditched, etc to make that happen.

So, this will be a good day to work inside, with the cold wet rain that will continue until late afternoon. And maybe bake? We shall see.

About the title of this post: here is a link to Dave Tabler's article about this Appalachian tradition. And here is the tune:

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Oh, do number those totes and lids! This is the kind of foresight that you will thank yourself for, every time the need to use them comes around again.
    I'm with you on the ice. So hazardous for getting even the simplest chores done. I often say I'd rather have two feet of snow than a quarter-inch of ice, and I mean it!

  2. You seems always BUSY and with so much energy, Sue :-))

  3. Wow on your ice-story!!!!
    1976 snow shoveled so high I could not see above and everything iced, we put sock over our shoes. Not that that helped much, LOL
    (Btw I answered to your comment on my blog. Short: Ingo moved to Braunschweig after 13 years of weekend-relationship due to flooding!).

    Putting away Christmas sounds sad. My Dad left the tree and everything as long as possible.

    You are so busy! And baking (onion cake, Pizza muffins in my case) is always great!

    Great tune, if I could dance, I would!! Just like in "Back To The Future III"! Love it!

  4. Putting all the festive holiday items back and packed is a lot of work. We always forgot something and would notice it days later. The house would look strange again once everything was packed away and it would take days to get used to it again. :)

  5. I remember my friends mom had an all original oak Sellers Hoosier cabinet from her grandmom . I loved that. I wished it was mine! Coveting even as a kid, that's me! Well later she married, and set up house keeping in her mom's basement. They painted that cabinet bright red like lipstick, and the matching round table with six pressed back chairs. All of it took on that sickening fresh blood color. The poor things wallowed in that basement with him & her until they got their own house, the grandmoms house, and then the husband busted the cabinet to bits just to get rid of it. I guess there is a special graveyard full of rotted unwanted old furniture out there somewhere relieved to be rid of sorry attempts of people with no sense or taste who brutalized them with "decorative" flair! I still wish I had one of those cabinets! I know you and your husband do a great job saving old furniture, yours gain a whole new life and style! I enjoy your blog. Happy New Year's, and many blessings! Annie

  6. That's a great tune! Love the traditions.

  7. It's 17F here and snowing -- finally. Looks so pretty when it first falls. I am playing that music, and I like it fine.

  8. It was snowy here yesterday as well. I used the day to bake. I also made soup from a new recipe. Poor Tim. He hates new recipes.


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