
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

That TV Interview

41 this morning, raining after a night of heavy rain. Warmed to 55 and dried up, then rain again as I write at 7pm.

What a wild weather day. Wind, rain, wind, rain, a burst of sun and warming up, then rain again. Whew. But I did finally get out in the gardens and threw my flower bulbs in the ground. Every year I do the same thing in the fall: buy marked-down bulbs thinking, oh sure, I'll get these planted right away. And then life gets in the way and sometime midwinter I'm out there planting. Fortunately, spring bulbs are very forgiving of fools like me, and faithfully come up, maybe a bit late, but they will come along. And I thank them with good feedings of compost and bonemeal.

The interview I did a month ago is finally on YouTube. Like everyone else, I hate hate hate seeing and hearing myself on TV but grit my teeth and get through it when I have to. 

The "well-baby" check up at the doctor yesterday went very well. All is good, and I may even be able to quit the one tiny blood pressure pill I take, as I have noticed that after I take it in the morning, my blood pressure is quite low for me--like 100/50--and I feel very tired for a bit. So we are going to see how I do without it. Fingers crossed.

Tomorrow is another doctor visit, another semi-annual checkup with the ladies doctor, and then next week an orthopedic doc to see about my knee, a second opinion and hopefully some new ideas besides take the thing out and put in another one. If that's what has to happen, okay, but I want to get someone else's opinion first. After that, lunch with two friends, which will be a real treat as one lady I have only met on Facebook, and I introduced her to the other lady. The two of them are great friends now and do a lot of hiking and kayaking together. I love that.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We enjoyed the YouTube video. You did so well and look good on camera! Loved the poem you read.

  2. Nice to see and hear you for a bit at the beginning. Your friend still sounds mostly Canadian. I went to uni not far from Elmira. It's a nice area.

  3. You are not alone in your hatred of seeing yourself on video. You did great though! Very interesting how the four of you got together and collaborated.

  4. I enjoyed hearing the interview, and hearing about your group of poets! Hope all your medical tests come out as positive, moving toward a year of good health.

  5. I'm like that about myself as well. I wonder why that is? Good luck wth your knee. I have really got to do something about mine.

  6. I like the video, Sue. My blood pressure is usually 90/50 or 100/60..

  7. Big WOW on that interview!!!
    Yupp. I was maybe 4, doing a puzzle and singing along. Never did that again after I heard the recording
    Now with teams-chat being recorded I was confronted with that again. Weeee, how can people stand me, I sound terrible!!!
    But, logically, to me you sound nice, great to "meet" you finally.
    I´m (sadly)9 not much into poetry, though I have a daily calendar if that this year.
    Today´s quote is "The pause is also part of the rhythm".

    Fingers crossed! Ingo took blood thinner on doctor´s orders he never needed, and it caused a lot of trouble!
    Yes, always ask more than one doc!
    :-) Same here. Two of my Perth friends met through me and are also friends now. To social media!!! I´ll meet them both soon and look very much forward to that. Thanks to COVID it has been 5 whopping years!

  8. Did blogger eat my comment again?

  9. SWMBO (my mate) is the same way about hating to look at herself in videos or photos.


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