
Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Potato Planter

31f this morning, expected high of 41f. After a night of cold, cold rain, we are still having showers, sometime mixed with snow. A dreary January day. 

Staying inside today, as it is just too miserable to be out. Poor Larry has his critters to care for of course,  but other than that I expect we will both be cozy by the fire today.

I wanted to show you what the potato planter looks like. I had hoped to take more photos of how it works, but perhaps another time.

I bought it to sell, but I may have a hard time getting it away from Larry! I actually am not quite sure how it works...anyone know? It has a lever which would release potato sets from the smaller tube; perhaps the larger container is for a backup supply of sets? (The red and black handle to the left is the wheelbarrow, not part of the planter.)

Speaking of potatoes, I brought in the half bushel we have left to sort and clean up this morning. I was pleasantly surprised to find many medium to large potatoes buried under lots od tiny ones; i thought that the whole lot was those itty bitty ones! I guess we have been picking out the larger ones, allowing the little one to accumulate on top. Must change that behavior!

The onions are also holding pretty well. I noticed that the red onions are keeping better than the yellow and white ones, but in any case we should have plenty to carry us through to spring. Imagine, only 10 weeks to planting time! 

I found another Maeve Binchy book that I have not read when we stopped at a thrift in Ohio last week, and have started into it. I am not sure why her books appeal to me so. Maybe because they are set in Ireland and bring back memories of our trips there. How I would love to go back. But our budget these days just can't stretch that far, I am afraid. Storytelling paid for those trips, so we are missing that income. Still, I am glad that I retired. It has been such a pleasure to really get into my gardens. Maybe one day some magic will dump the needed cash in our laps!

Off I go to make banana blueberry bread, which I did not get to do yesterday as the workroom cleanup and packing away Christmas took the whole day. It was time well spent, though. I have my Christmas totes neatly organized (and numbered, Quinn!), so that booth totes, which I need earlier than the home decor, are right in front. One full tote and half another are packed up for Goodwill, too. It feels very good to get all this out of my way.

And now, I really am signing off!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I have never heard of banana *blueberry* bread! My husband just made 2 loaves of banana bread yesterday, and now I'm wondering about banana blueberry, banana cranberry, etc etc etc!

  2. I remember being very taken with a Maeve Binchy book. Pretty sure it was called Evening Class. If I am recalling correctly, it was one of those delightful, feel good books. BTW, we had our snow overnight, and I love it.

  3. I love Maeve Binchy books. I have only read two tho, I think. I will have to go look for more! Thanks for the tip!

  4. I'll forward this to my friend Farmer Bob, he'll know how they work!

    1. This is what he said when he looked at your planter:

      I've never seen one like that. Looks like you push it along, in really loose well tilled soil, pull the lever below the right handle. That appears to open up the bottom of the smaller tube which should then let a potato cutting drop down.

  5. I wonder if your potato planter is complete?

  6. Maeve Binchy is a fine writer. We sold many of her books when we ran our bookstore. I envision that potato planter on your porch with flowers growing out of it.

  7. Interesting Potato Planter. You´ve been quite busy! Garden with an s sounds like a lot of work!


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