
Friday, February 9, 2024

A Quotable Kid

50°f this morning, light overcast. Rain expected later.

Thank you all for your comments on my last post. I have scheduled my knee surgery for October 2. As AC noted, I may miss some fall color for a bit, but we do see plenty from the front porch. I am actually looking forward to this, and am already focusing on shedding some weight to make recovery easier. Needs to be done anyway. I made a good start a couple years ago but have plateaued over the past year. Back to it!

But to the title of this post. Great-grandson Ryland has a unique perspective sometimes, and keeps us amazed by what pops out of his mouth.

Always a favorite activity for visiting children, gathering the eggs. Sometimes the eggs actually get to the house intact.

For example, when he was here a couple weeks ago, he was fascinated by the pinecone bird feeder and spent some time watching the birds come to and fro. Suddenly he ran into the house, shouting "I just saw the cutest thing! It was a birdpecker!" (What he meant of course, was a woodpecker.)

Coming to our house requires going up a pretty steep hill, and one of the ways to get here is a particularly rugged gravel road (all roads to get here are one-way, and all turn to gravel eventually.)
Anyway, Ryland was riding with our son/his grandpa Derek and they came up that rough hill. Ryland asked, "Why is this hill so big?"

Derek replied, "I guess God wanted it that way."

When they got to the top, Ryland looked around and said, "I guess He did it for the view. Jesus would love this."

During that same visit, Zealand was playing with a marble tower we keep here for him...actually, we have a whole toy box full of toys for the great-grands.  He asked, "Granny, where are all the marbles?" 

I said, "I don't know, I guess they must have left."

To which he said, "I think they might have left in my pocket."

Yes, he keeps us entertained!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Yes indeed Jesus would have also loved your view. Good plans for replacement knee. My friend who has done one is pretty agile several years out.

  2. Good luck with the knee surgery. Recovery will take some time but Judy and I can confirm it's worth it. And that boy is quite a philosopher for his age. Enjoyed his comments.

  3. He seems like a delightful boy.

  4. Ryland sounds like a really cool kid! Good luck with your knee surgery, Sue.

  5. I love "I guess He did it for the view"! :)

  6. I hope all goes well in October. Love the quotes from your great grandson especially the bird pecker:)

  7. Oh my gosh. How cute! My granddaughter got a new toy for her birthday that she fell immediately in love with. After all the hubbub died down, I happened upon her cuddling her new toy on the couch, deep in conversation. "I promise that I will love you for all of my childhood," she said.

  8. Charley had his knee replacement in October 2020 - almost 4 years ago. It's painful, but you'll be glad you did it.

  9. Fun-fact: on the train over loudspeaker they said, and for our American visitors,the temps in Fahrenheit.
    I ALWAYS have to look up, what temps you have - we have 39C / 102 F.
    Hehe, a birdpecker, how very cute is that!!!

    1. 101! Way too hot for me! I hope you are doing okay with it?

  10. Susanne, are my comments going to spam?

  11. What a sweetheart that boy is! I kept a little journal for each of my boys as they grew up, and wrote down all those funny, sweet things they said. I love looking back through those! (ALSO, please tell me what the plant you call "winter rest" is, or post a photo if you have one.

    1. That is a great idea. Kids say such funny things, and sometimes their words get into our routine vocabulary. Like granddaughter Haley's "fermember" instead of remember, Tommy's gebbeldy for spaghetti, lookylocku for helicopter, oh please man for policeman...


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