
Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Decision Time

30°f this morning, another sunny day on tap. The mud is slowly drying.

My doctor visit yesterday was for a second opinion on my knee. It has been 5 years, maybe longer, since it was x-rayed so a new one was needed.

And the news wasn't what I wanted to hear.. Apparently it is bone-on-bone on one side of my right knee, with severe arthritis in the back of that knee. Considering what she told me, I guess I have been getting around pretty well with all that mess in there. 

So the decision is not if to have a replacement, but when. I had hoped to find some other solution, but it is what it is. (I blame 30 years of driving a standard shift car 100 miles or so a day. All that clutch work!) Since I am 72, I see no sense in putting off surgery since it will only be harder as I age.

Right now I am thinking October. The gardens will be mostly done, and I will have time to heal before the holidays and winter weather.  I hate losing that golden month to convalescence but it seems like the best choice.

So onward and upward! Hopefully with less pain and aggravation once this is done.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Go for it! Having my knees replaced made all the difference in my life and health! You'll do great. Batsy in Idaho

    1. I remember when you had that done, Batsy. It was a good decision.

  2. Oh. All the best wishes! What a luck this is possible to fix!
    My clutches were always quite easy to work (gave my last car away over 5 years ago).

    1. My clutches weren't too stiff, but I drove over a million miles, and I think it just wore my knee away lol!

  3. It made a world of difference for my brother-in-law. He has much better quality of life since the surgery.

    1. Yes, for my husband too. Although now his hips are giving him trouble, lol.

  4. I have had both my knees replaced and recovery did not take that long. I was warned to follow the physical therapists directions without fail and it worked!!

    1. That is exactly true. Larry had both his done. He did much better with the second one after learning that pt had to be done correctly.

  5. Not really an expert on this. My brother had his knee replaced ( he is 66, I think) and had been in an auto accident that messed up his leg many years ago. All I can say is do your physio, take your pain meds so you can try for proper sleep, and enjoy your new found freedom when it’s all healed 🙂 - Jenn

    1. Thanks, Jenn. I hadn't thought about the sleep aspect

  6. Judy had hers done in November. She still has pain when the weather is crappy, as it is all this week, but she perseveres through. I think it took about two months for her to have much less pain and get rid of her walker. But everyone who's had it says it's worth it so good luck and do it!

    1. Oh boy, she is having a tough time. I hope good weather brings less pain for her.

  7. Why not have it done NOW? I mean if you could have an appointment of course. The earlier, the better!

    1. Well...because garden season starts soon, lol. Sounds silly but it is important to me to be able to garden. My hubby would not be able to keep up with all the early work alone.

  8. Ugh. I am looking at the same option, but I really cannot do it until after the bulk of the house is built. Quite honestly, it's gotten considerably worse in the last couple months, and I'm not sure it will hold up that long. But on the plus side, my BIL had to have a knee replacement a couple years ago, and he says it has been life changing.

  9. Timing is important. I think you've chosen well although I would hate to be infirm in October and miss those two weeks of glorious colour. But I bet you see plenty from your house without going anywhere.

  10. I hope you'll get a lot of relief from the knee replacement, and I think you are wise not to delay once you've made the decision. I'm planning to have my second cataract surgery this year for that reason, even though I have to expect even worse vision for at least 3 months after the procedure. Like you, I'm trying to schedule around gardening.

  11. Sorry to hear that the knee needs surgery, Sue, and I hope you can get an appointment at a time that suits you - and then make a swift recovery.

  12. Bone on bone sounds excruciating so go ahead and get it done! It will measurably improve your life, of that I have no doubt.


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