
Saturday, February 3, 2024

Catching Up With Ourselves

24°f this morning, with heavy frost and clear skies at last. We missed the full moon last week and have had mostly cloud-covered skies since then.

Another booth day yesterday, and I think we have finally caught up from our two-week weather and company hiatus. We moved the large cabinet into our Ravenswood booth yesterday, and I admit I was thrilled when two strapping young men from the gym beside the antique mall offered to help unload it! Getting it into the van was not easy, and getting it out was interesting too. Now it is in place where we had the Hoosier cabinet, which was sold.

A few other changes last week:

I was glad to get this table finished too. After this photo  we ended up putting it in the window because we sold a table we had on display in the window, and Thursday we picked up a display case which we put in this spot. No photos of the case yet.

We stocked a bit more in Ripley too, although sales there have slowed down a bit so not much was needed. But we used the opportunity to string up some temporary lights, as some of our space is just too dark. The owners have promised additional lighting but that hasn't happened yet, so this will do until either they put in more lights or we find something better.

Today was a sorting out, putting away, cleaning, laundry,  and ebay kind of day for me, while Larry finished up repairing a rabbit hutch that was given to us. That should give us plenty of space to raise all the rabbits we will need. In the afternoon we went out on the flat and began pruning one of our old apple trees. We have neglected them for years because deer usually get any apples they produce, but now that we have more time we want to take better care of them. Both dogs and even the cat had to come along to see what we were doing. Pets are such nosey critters! But honestly they are such fun to have with us.

Such a glorious day, although it was certainly colder where we were on the flat than over across the holler at the house!

Done and heading to the house. We will go back out Tuesday to finish up the first tree, then we have 3 or 4 more to do.

Larry took the old wagon road, from the days when a trail led down our hill to Bucket Run at the far edge of our acreage. I preferred to take the low road!

On the way back to the house I noticed that the hellebores were starting to bloom! I will have to cut back their old foliage this week. So nice to see these early harbingers of Spring, right on schedule with Imbolc, the old Celtic first day of Spring.

Tomorrow we will be on the road again for an auction pickup, and Monday I have that rescheduled appointment for a second opinion on my knee. After that, I hope I can stay home for a few days! I really dislike having to go out so often but it's been a necessary evil this past week. I have a stack of new-to-me books to read. Fingers crossed that I will get to stay here and do just that.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Oh, it's so cold in your place! And you are so busy!!!
    All we do today is put on sunscreen and go grocery shopping ( we are still on German time, it's a pain).

    1. Sounds so relaxing, Iris, and I am sure you are enjoying every minute!

  2. My husband once took an old wardrobe of my Mommas and put shelves in it and made a china cabinet out of it to yard sale. I thought for a minute yours was it. But alas no, but close enough it gave me a jolt, smile.
    You are right, the deer lope off the apple trees, this past year they took off the whole tops of the young three trees I have been trying to establish for four years. Just yesterday, my husband was asking if I even wanted to attempt a garden there! I guess you can figure out my fussing over the question! I hope yours fare better than mine have! I would not have wanted to follow Larry on that road, boys howdy, from the angle of your photo, it looks steep and deep.
    Thanks for posting, it makes me wanna go tramping out with the critters. annie

    1. Oddly enough, Annie, this one had been a china cabinet, converted to a wardrobe! We converted it back because a wordrobe with a glass door just seemed odd.
      We will have to see what happens with the apple trees. I planted these almost 50 years ago, and they have never really had any care, as we used to have cattle and horses out there and the trees were kept nipped off by them and the deer. But they have survived and grown somehow. I had thought they almost all had died so I was surprised to see these few soldiering on! One is an Arkansas Black, that has had apples, tiny ones, almost every year but they are too small to bother with. I wonder though, with pruning and fertilizer, if it will do better.

  3. My fingers are crossed! Sounds like you have everything set at the booths so you can just relax.

    1. Thanks, Jim! That's the plan, but you know how plans are!

  4. How many booths do you have?

    My Amish friend has a saying: "I need to keep my feet at home."

  5. I enjoyed reading about your busy and productive days and your stand (in an antique mall???) looks great -- I'm new here because you commented on a post of mine (and thank you for doing so which I'm sure you don't remember because it was a couple of months ago -- I've been on an unplanned blog break (for no good reason) but I'm back in Blogland and glad to be here. I assume you live somewhere in the Appalachians based on a couple of posts on your side-bar, but I couldn't find a link to tell me for sure.

  6. I was certain that I'd left a comment! How many shops/booths do you have? That is a crazy amount of merchandise to keep up with.

  7. We have been having some really nice days with mild temperature and some sunshine. You have some really cool stuff and I LOVE that table!

  8. Nice if those two young guys to help you. There are still good people in this world it seems.

  9. I thought that Hoosier cabinet would go quickly!


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