
Monday, January 22, 2024

More Winter

3°F this morning, clear but some pink in the sunrise. 

They're growing! Some at the back of the house nearly touch the ground.

While this morning's temperature doesn't show it, we are supposed to be going into a warming trend. Which means ice first, then mud. Ugh. I would much prefer the snow to remain. 

Yesterday we didn't take our walk, again. Instead we played in the snow, making this guy.

What fun! I can't remember the last time we made a snowman, but I think it must have been 25-30 years ago, when our youngest son was still a little guy. He's 37 now. And once when our son Derek was home (on leave? From a deployment? I can't remember) he and his daughters made a snowman while we cooked apple butter. We waited for him to be home, and it was February. And wouldn't you know we had a big snow that day. But the cooking went on anyway, and a very nice snowman got built.

Other than that, I spent most of the day pricing things for the booths, which I hope to visit tomorrow. Sales have been terrible, almost nonexistent, really, but that is no surprise. Who wants to shop for nonessentials in this kind of weather. One location said they had 10 people all day yesterday, but I did sell 3 things so that was pretty good actually.

I am continuing to sort out drawers, a usual wintertime activity for me. This time it was my lingerie chest. I got a real pang of nostalgia when I found the suitcase scale, outlet adapter and other things we used  when we traveled to England and Ireland. How I would love to go back! I went 5 times, in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2019. We had planned to go again last year, but costs have gone up so much that I am afraid it is out of reach for us now. But what good times I had! At least I have this blog so I can scroll back and enjoy the memories.

The winter flower garden. No flowers today It! It is hard to believe that a month from now we will be seeing green out there again. 

This week will be busy, I think. Larry has 2 doc appointments for routine checkups, we have booths to stock, Tamara and I plan on going to Berlin, Ohio to the seed company there, and Sarah rescheduled her visit and will be here Thursday--just in time for the mud. Poor girl will be leaving the lovely snow in Colorado for mud. It will be lovely to see her, anyway!
Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. We woke up to single digit temps this morning, which were not forecast for us, either. But it is supposed to get up to 30 degrees today, and we are looking forward to it.

  2. Eeeek, that is very cold, but cute snowman! I think in my case... it was 1980 I built the last one with my little Brother, it was a snow-Easterbunny. What is apple butter? Like jam?
    Yes, great we have our blogs to return to our journeys!!

  3. I too prefer the snow to remain, but the weather is so changeable these days it’s hard to know it’s winter some days. As you point out travel is getting expensive, but so is everything else in life. I will miss it when I can’t do it any more.

  4. Icy times are the worst times.

  5. So cold! We finally have a couple of not so cold days...snow is fun, but too much is too much. Stay warm!


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