
Saturday, January 20, 2024

Snow on Snow on Snow

8°F this morning, with continuing flurries. We are up to 9 inches with a possibility of an inch or two more today.
Yesterday evening 's view from the log room window.

Snow seems to be the operative word these days. And cold. Canadian air has found its way down to us, and brrr! We are debating whether to take our walk today; I think we might have to give it a miss, but tomorrow is supposed to be warmer.

Deeper and deeper. It's making a nice cushion on the rocker---which was supposed to be put up in the building before the snow came.

We walked to the mailbox yesterday, but the mail apparently didn't run. It seems that our carrier is skipping our narrow ridge road in this bad weather as we usually have mail every day but this week there was none on two different days. I wonder if she will come today? When I was a substitute mail carrier,  we had to do the entire route, even in the worst weather. I remember putting strap-on chains on the tires on the side of my 4WD truck that had to go off-road to get to the boxes, and putting full chains all the way around sometimes when it was really bad. I well remember the day it was 18 below zero and I had to run the route. I never had any trouble, but winters back then, in the early 1980's were pretty snowy. I loved that job though.

From yesterday's walk:

The hill up to Sarah's cabin 

Buddy, face-deep in snow

Looking down the "hickory hill", as we call it because of the hickory tree to the left.

Little else happening here. Larry gets out to do his usual chores, and shovels the walk. This morning I refilled the pinecone feeder again for the birds. They are sure going through it, and stealing cat food from Clyde's dish on the porch (Clyde refuses to eat in the house for some reason).

I made some Abuelita hot chocolate this morning. Have you had it? It's a Mexican hot chocolate with cinnamon and I think maybe a little chili pepper in it. It comes in cakes which can be cut apart to make however much you want. So delicious and rich. 

Iris notes on her blog that today is Cheeselovers Day, so I am going to make mac and cheese to celebrate.  This is a big deal. I rarely make mac and cheese because I love it too much and have a hard time not overeating! And also because so many carbs are not good for my diabetic husband. We will have it with the leftover meatloaf I froze the other day, green beans and applesauce. Best plan for me is to eat the beans and meatloaf first so I won't eat too much pasta! 

My next painting project is staring at me. This desk has so much missing veneer that filling and painting were the only options. I am still trying to decide on a color. 

A little haiku to end today's post:

dripping icicles
ticking clock
winter time

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I've always thought that a mail route would be an interesting job. I love driving in the country and weather does not bother me too much. We are never in one place long enough to commit to anything so I will just carry on and remain jobless.

    1. It was an interesting job, Jim. I didn't like having to sort the mail in the morning for 400 boxes, but on the road was great. Since I did rural routes, the scenery was gorgeous.

  2. I bet that hot chocolate tasted so good after your walk. Doesn't snow make everything look so pretty?

    1. Yes it did! It is snowing again this morning, so I may have to make it again.

  3. You have received a lot more snow than we did. 3 times as much. We have had a day of snow squalls, though. Supposed to have more on the way.

  4. That's cold! I would paint that desk white :-)) Stay warm and drink lots of hot chocolate, Sue.

  5. It looks so nice, your snow pics, so fluffy, but ohhhhh... can´t wait to meet the Perth heat Monday in a week!
    The table looks beautiful... the way it is?
    Or, maybe not! Hmmm, some "serious color", not helping, do I.

  6. OMG! Your snow pictures reminded me of my youth in North Dakota. We have rain forecast for today and Monday and Tuesday but I think it just drizzled awhile this morning and seems to have stopped now. A gloomy, gray day though.

  7. Nippy here this morning - 4F - and we've had several snow-on-snow events now, which makes it feel like a real winter, which is a relief after last year. We had a table very like that one when I was growing up. It's so heartwarming to see you giving some of these hard-life pieces a new lease on life - I wonder if your lucky buyers have any idea how much work had gone into the rehab of some of this furniture.

  8. Hi Sue -- Before I forget, i want to thank you for stopping by The Marmelade Gypsy last week. (It's been a week and I'm later than I hoped to be in returning the visit!). Your snow is lovely and it looks like you got much more than we did here in Michigan. That desk will be so lovely when it is redone -- it has a beautiful shape. I'll look forward to seeing the finished product!

  9. I came in from a walk a half hour ago and had a regular hot chocolate, but your sounds much better.


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