
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Merlin Bird App and Whippoorwills

67°f, 19°C when I got up.  It will be another hot day. Full moon last night.

Wasn't the moon beautiful last night? We sat on the porch and watched it rise, peeking through the trees. Perfection.

My longtime friend Betsy told me about an app called Merlin that allows you to record birdsong,  and then tells you, as you record, what birds you might be hearing. I immediately had to try it out.

What fun! I was amazed at the number of birds it suggested, and am pretty sure they were all accurate after listening to recordings of each suggested bird individually.

Here's a list of just some of what the app listed:
Northern Cardinal 
Indigo Bunting 
Redstart (which i have yet to see)
Gray-sided Gnatcatcher
Red-Eyed Virgo
Carolina Chickadee
Carolina Wren
Chipping Sparrow
Wood Thrush
Tufted Titmouse
Pileated Woodpecker 
Cedar Waxwing

That is not all of them, just what I can recall. It did suggest the yellow-throated warbler, but I kind of doubt that one, unless one was migrating through, as our habitat doesn't seem right. But we have a nice variety of habitats around us--oak forest, brush, open, unmoved and mowed fields, gardens--so we do get a wide range of bird visitors.

I will be using the Merlin app regularly now when I hear an unfamiliar bird, or any time I want to know who is around. It's fascinating. Give it a try!

Last night, I recorded this fellow calling for a mate.

Maybe the full moon inspired him? He was still singing when we went to bed. I hope she showed up eventually.

Back in the gardens today, stringtrimming and planting peppers and leeks, I hope. The belt on Larry's riding mower broke yesterday so he is working on repairs today. I also have to finish pressure washing the patio and walks, a job I started yesterday evening. At least it is cooling work!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I love Merlin. When a bird was too far away for an accurate identification, the song cinched it. Glad you heard such a symphony!

    1. It is just amazing. I turn it on several times a day now just to see who's singing.

  2. 19C is GREAT! We use similar app. to recognize birds..gotta check Merlin out.

  3. Very nice! All we have here in the city are sparrows and fat doves...

  4. These days, when I arise early, I may hear just enough bird song that I remember to put on my hearing aids. There are some noisy fellows around here.

  5. Whippoorwills are such cool birds bringing peace and tranquility to an evening. And, they eat a lot of bugs!

  6. I had a vague idea that such an app existed, but did not know the name. Now that I do, I am off to research it. I think we have a northern mockingbird here, judging by some things I am hearing. I am anticipating finding out. Thank you!

  7. I was up in the night (not unusual) and noticed how bright it was outside.

  8. I use the Cornell website a lot for bird info and used Merlin quite often - so addictive! - before it was revamped, but now it keeps telling me it can't identify any birds. It's a different phone, so maybe some unknown setting on my phone is causing a problem.


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