
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Now I've Done It

60°f this morning, 15.6°C. Rain showers when we woke up but sunny and breezy now. Big storms again yesterday evening. We are drowning now, gardens are soggy. 

The trouble is, I don't know what I did. Well, I know the beginning. I took a good tumble at the farmers market last Friday, landing hard on my knees--especially hard on my bad right knee. 

I thought it was okay. I mean, I have been walking around ever since! They hurt and were tender to the touch, but i figured a few days and they'd be fine. Then yesterday I noticed that there was a numb area on the side of my right knee that seemed swollen.

Still, I was walking fine, and yesterday evening I spent an hour and a half weeding my flowerbeds and deadheading iris. Then this morning when I got up,  the pain was really bad and I could put no weight at all on that leg. We found Larry's cane from his knee surgeries, and got me to a chair and a heating pad. 

I was finally able to move around, but it is not easy. I am managing with the cane and a knee brace, and even got out and cleaned up my rose garden and fertilized it, but I guess I will have to go get an x-ray because something sure isn't right. At least I learned that it is possible to garden with a cane!

The other dilemma is this: call the city and let them know? I did notify them that I had fallen because there were several holes covered up by the evenly-mowed grass and I saw someone else stumble in a hole too. But I am worried that should I make a claim to the city on this, they will just shut down the brand new farmers market. I am thinking to just go with my own insurance and pay the deductible but Larry said I should let the city know.  Just not sure what to do.

Later edit: called my bone doc, and have an appointment tomorrow morning. The knee is some better, no need for the cane at least. I am very likely not going to bother the city with this. That knee will be replaced in October anyway.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. So sorry this happened. I hope it ends up not being too serious.

  2. Oh dear, you sound just like my wife. But go with what your heart, body and mind tell you. Good luck.

  3. Well, that's no good. Hopefully it gets better on its own and follow up is not needed.

  4. Oh dear! That sounds very nasty! I can’t believe you went out and kept gardening! Your knee is my lower back! I have to do yard work now in smaller increments. Hope you’re getting relief soon! - Jenn

  5. Oh my, your last sentence made me will only be used till Oct. when it's replaced anyway! So sorry it has been bothering you more though. Hope nothing more immediate needs attention.

  6. Boy... you are as stubborn as I am. Will we EVER learn??? I hope your knee(s) will be OK soon!
    I agree, difficult to decide. But if other stumled, too... they might complain anyways?
    Your knee will be replaced??? That sounds scary! But great it can be done.

  7. I offer o advice, but I do commiserate.

  8. Your scenario is exactly how I discovered that bones can be bruised, and that bone bruises can take years to heal. My knee is still painful and I cannot kneel. I also cannot stop to consider a knee replacement right this minute although the orthopedist told me that one is certainly in my future.

    I feel your pain, sistah.

  9. Oh dear, so sorry you had a fall, I hope the pain eases and things feel better soon:)


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