
Saturday, June 22, 2024


72°f this morning, and rose quickly to 98°f. 

Black Cohosh, which blooms in quite a few places along Joe's Run. Looks cool, but it was 95° when I took this.

Friends, it is just too hot for my blood. I guess I inherited my English mother's genes in the heat department,  rather than my New Orleans-born daddy's. I am so done with summer...and it has just begun.

Yesterday's temperature. 

At least we were comfortable the past two days, helping a friend clean out her basement as she prepares to move to an independent living facility. We will miss her very much, but she has made what she feels is the best decision at this point in her life. Her sweet husband died 2 years ago, and at 80 she cannot maintain her home, and has health issues as well. So, we sorted and sorted and sorted, years of memorabilia, a lot of it from her husband's family. A lot went to the trash, a lot is waiting for his adult children to sift through, some is earmarked for an auction, and then there is some she still needs to think about.

I came home feeling sorrowful, after watching her wade through a lifetime of memories, but also grateful that I continually sort and clear out my closets and drawers. No basement and no attic thankfully prevents me from squirreling away too much stuff.

I came home with a lot too, truck and van both pretty full, but with the exception of one or two pieces, this will all be put in my booths. My friend was an antiques dealer, and wanted me to get this stuff to sell. How sweet is that! Some of it had once been in her shop and still had her tags attached. 

So I have more work ahead of me to unload, clean, research and price. At least it will be mostly inside work!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It's happening across the road from us. They've both been struggling for sometime with dementia, and at the end, I was quite worried about them. I was dead sure that they shouldn't be on their own. They are both in the nursing home now, and the state gets their house. The kids are moving stuff out. It is so sad that they refused to allow any of their kids to help them make financial plans. ("It was their business!") and basically, what the kids were afraid would happen has happened. Thank goodness your friend has the mind to make her own decisions. I get a little shiver every time I look across the road wondering what the future holds for me.

  2. I understand why you were sorrowful. It pulls at my heartstrings why anyone loses a loved one, but especially the elderly. I wish her the best.

  3. ...can you imagine how hot it could be if climate change was real?

  4. The rain finally stopped over here..well, at least week again will be rainy. The temperature is 15-25C. I had to laugh at the bird blowing the worm...Have a good day, Sue!

  5. I am trying to make a start on getting rid of 'stuff' but it is difficult. We are in our eighties and I know that our time here is limited. That is also difficult. I feel for your friend.

  6. You did a wonderful service for your friend helping sort and clear out her basement. Moving is such a hard thing. I lived in New Orleans for 5 years and I don't think you ever get used to that heat!

  7. Like you, I am not a fan of hot summer weather, and it is only going to get worse. I'd be quite happy if we could skip summer and go straight from spring to fall.

  8. Our heat only lasted for 4 days or maybe 5.It has been cooler and rainy for a couple of day. The windows are open, and it has been comfortable at night.

  9. Lots of heat just plain stinks!

  10. Hope your shade trees provide some breeze that cools a bit. Sad about your friend divesting of all her treasures. So glad that you will be able to sell some antiques of them. I noticed your comment about Little Switzerland weekend not happening...but let me know if you're coming that close to me, and maybe we can meet up! That would be such fun! I've not yet met any blogger friends and am ready to take that jump!

  11. It's so wonderful that you can be such a big help to your friend as she decides what to do with a lifetime's "stuff". Of course this makes more work for you but no doubt you're willing to do what you can. Blessings. GM

  12. For some reason my comments are not necessarily showing up . I'll keep trying.


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