
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tools of the Trade

69°f this morning, about 20°C, slight overcast. High of 81 yesterday. 

I need to get this stuff put away, but seems like it has been in daily use for a while now. I still have one tray of plants to put out tonight, then I am officially done planting. Sort of. Need to get a few more plants for the big flowerbed because there is little color out there right now.

Since we are expecting high temps for the next 10 days, I have been getting out early in the mornings and in the evenings to get my garden work done. I have been digging out a patch of yarrow that was taking over part of one flowerbed,  using mattock, hoe and shovel--hot work. This morning I put in new plants.  I hope they make it, but I decided that 90+ degrees on the porch wasn't any better than 90+ degrees in the garden, so might as well plant them. I see a lot of watering in my future, as no rain is predicted for days.

Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there! I am embarrassed to say that Larry made his own Father's day breakfast,  as he got hungry before I came back inside.  Oh well. I made my own on Mothers Day so I guess we are even. No visitors expected today, as our son together is in Miami, has a new job and can't take leave yet, and our other sons (they are Larry's stepson actually) are spending the day with their Dad or with their children. They all call, though, which is nice.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I'm not sure which is better...temperatures of 90F or 10C which is 50F. One is too hot and the other is too chilly especially since the furnace is off now. My fingers are so cold I can hardly type. When we do get hot weather we'll be so unused to it we'll have a hard time adjusting.
    Enough complaining. I hope your plants are okay in the heat.

    I wish I would never have let Lily of the Valley take hold in my garden. It's so invasive. Since it has grown in with other perennials I'm not sure how to deal with it.
    Your yellow rose is so pretty. Do you happen to know its name?
    Not that I have room for another rose. Sadly.
    Have a lovely Sunday.

    1. Isn't it strange how the weather seems turned upside down? My youngest in Miami sent me a video of him walking home through about 6" of water. He had to park and walk a mile and a half to get home because the roads were all flooded!
      I will havevto see if I can find the name of that rose. I can't remember right off, but it is so pretty, and has a marvelous scent.

  2. Extremely hot weather is predicted for here too for the next week. Conditions that used to be rare are becoming routine.

    1. Yes, it is worrying. I remember in the 70s we often had days over 100f in July, but never had this kind of heat so early. June was always a near perfect month. I have always tried to have a ms small a carbon footprint as possible. If only the big corporations would have done the same!

  3. While I have most things planted, I don't have everything mulched. I'm going to try to get more of it done before the heat dome descends on us next week.

  4. We'll be going from cold to hot right along with you.

  5. I made Italian sausage, peppers, onions and other stuff in the slow cooker. I thought it was kind of blah but SWMBO liked it. Or said she did. So it goes.

  6. We have been having lots of rain...the Rhein river is now 7 meters high...usually just 3 meters. Today again is a rainy day...I miss sunshine, well, at least it is 15C.

  7. ...Susanna, I like those old soda fountain shop chairs. I can tell you that this old Yankee isn't looking forward to a week in the low 90s. Take care and stay cool.

  8. I am not looking forward to the heat, but at least may be motivated to do some of the inside jobs. Or not.


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