
Saturday, July 6, 2024

Over the Mountains

The Porch Poets, minus one who could not be there this time.

We made a quick there and back trip across the state yesterday and today, combining a visit with our oldest son and his family with a poetry reading from the Porch Poems book at Seneca Rocks State Park. 

Seneca Rocks

According to Wikipedia, "Seneca Rocks is a large crag and local landmark in Pendleton County in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia, United States. The south peak is the only peak inaccessible except by technical rock climbing techniques on the East Coast of the United States." The park was certainly swarming with climbers and hikers today. In fact that whole area of the West Virginia mountains was busy with tourists, which is a mixed blessing, because the crowds make it less inviting to us locals--but the income is needed and welcome.

Our son's home

It was wonderful to visit our son, his daughter, son and wife. We don't see them nearly enough, but a five hour drive makes it difficult. But my goodness, did they feed us! Granddaughter Grace made an incredibly delicious salad of squash, onions, and kale with a dressing of maple syrup,  chili powder, garlic, and olive oil, topped with pecans, croutons, and parmesan. I know, I know, sounds awful but take my word for it, it was hands down the best use of kale ever. My son grilled blackened salmon, his wife supplied baked sweet potatoes, and for dessert Grace made trifle. We were stuffed and happy!

We spent the evening chatting on the porch and enjoying the beautiful view. 

Then this morning, tea on the porch and more yakking before breakfast and then we were off for Seneca Rocks. 

It was hot, 84°f, and we were placed out on the porch for our reading, but we were in the shade, thankfully,  and had a small but appreciative audience.

The Sites Homestead, where our reading was.

Now we are homeward bound, hoping to be in time for a surprise 60th birthday party for a neighbor I have known since he was 10 years old. And hoping we will find our gardens still safe from wildlife despite our absence. Nerve-wracking,  i can tell you!

Tomorrow we will be back to life as usual, but this was a nice break.


  1. The food looks amazing. And I saw that rock once when we were on a road trip. Beautiful country. Glad your porch reading went well.

  2. ...I'd drive for that meal too!

  3. Seneca Rocks is a favorite for climbers. I've only climbed up the trail in the back and that was hard enough. And what a meal!

  4. Awesome that you had a great time visiting your son and his family. That salmon looks great!

  5. How great that you could make that trip to visit your son and his family. I hope your garden was unharmed by any critters while you were gone.

  6. Nerve-wracking-wonderful I´d say!!! Such a happy post - thank you for the BIG smile!

  7. Sounds like a fun day was had by all.

  8. Great that you took time away from your norm, visited son and family, as well as shared your talent for poetry. Fingers crossed that the critters left your plants alone while you were gone!

  9. You seem to handle the driving well, so it is good to get around like that.

  10. My daughter live about six hours away on a drive without issues. With traffic delays across Toronto and winter weather it can stretch to eight hours sometimes - a lot of driving for a weekend visit.


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