
Friday, July 26, 2024

Technology Woes

68°f this morning, 20°C. Clear.

Our power was off Wednesday until 4pm. It was a humid day, thankfully not as hot as previous days. Then yesterday it was off again. Apparently Wednesday was supposed to be a planned outage but a storm or something caused an outage early in the morning. So that was repaired on Wednesday,  then yesterday they went ahead with the planned outage. We decided to just go out and take care of our booths, since we planned to do that today anyway. By the time we got home, the power was back on.

All good...except the cell phones didn't work either, and we still can't use them to call out. Fortunately we can do wifi calling through our satellite, but it's not nearly as good, constantly breaking up, etc. What. A. Pain. Nothing like being out of touch! We have several family birthdays this week, and I have other calls I need to make, texts to send,  but none will happen. 

So, I will be here in the kitchen, snapping beans and peeling tomatoes if anyone needs me!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Our lives can be inconvenienced so easily.

    1. Yes. I lived for 15 or 16 years without electricity so it's not that big a deal except for keeping cool, and of course the fridge and freezer are a worry. The phones being down is a bigger inconvenience, and given where we live, could be very bad should we need help because no one can see our house. Didnt worry about such things when I was younger!

  2. What a bother! The cell towers must be out somehow...or something linking to the services. We are so beholden to our technology these days! I just canceled one service on my TV, but it's the one that the Olympics are on, so I re-subscribed, and get 5 days free, I think.

    1. Yes, the tower is out and won't be fixed til 8/1. We use satellite internet, so now are using wifi calling. Not ideal but better than no phone.

  3. It’s a stark reminder of how dependent we are on technology.

    1. Yes. We lived for 15 years or so without electricity so we adapt as needed. Just have to keep things cool as possible. The phone is a bigger worry, given our isolation.

  4. Leading the true life of an Appalachian homesteader then. :)

    1. Been there, done that on tbe 70s and 80s! So not a big adjustment for us, just aggravating to have to rearrange plans and such. The phone is more of a worry because we are so isolated, but I set up wifi calling using our satellite. So all good!


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