
Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Cooking Day

Didn't check the temperature today.  Cool, though, humid and off-and-on showers. 

The terrible flooding has been on my mind all day. The images and videos are just unbelievable.  Those poor people.  So many have lost loved ones, homes, livelihoods. And the cleanup it will take just boggles the mind. I am very concerned about Black Mountain Barb, as her town seems to have been devastated., and I know she has had health issues lately.  I am anxiously watching for a new blog post from her.

To take my mind off it all, I cooked. And baked. My son Aaron is here for a few days to help Sarah install her solar system at her cabin, so this mama did what mothers do, cooking up good comfort food. 

Chocolate chip brownies, apple-blueberry pie

Meatloaf, again--by request

Made a lot of granola for easy breakfasts

Then there were the cabbages and squashes Larry picked that had to be dealt with. 

Rather than making kraut as I planned, I decided to freeze the cabbage. The squash I cooked, mashed with butter, salt and pepper, and put in the freezer too. It will be a treat come winter. I cooked some of both to go with the meatloaf for dinner tonight. There is enough meatloaf for at least 2 meals and a few sandwiches. 

Funny thing: Sarah asked me what I like to eat when I am sick. I had never thought of that! I have been so focused on making sure everyone else is set for meals, it never occurred to me to plan what I might like.

So what do I like when I feel badly? Well, simple enough: scrambled eggs, fruit, toast,  and orange juice. Is this pretty commonplace? I wonder, what do others want when they are not up to snuff?

I learned in the notebook given to my by the hospital---and that i just read today--that it is recommended to clean your house, get all the laundry done, and prepare food in advance before surgery. So, I am not being a crazy obsessive old lady at all. I feel pretty well ready now, just need to pack a bag with a few things for overnight.

We have had a time with our dogs these last 2 days. Sarah has her German Shepherd Glen with her, which has our two young guys in an uproar as they want to be wherever Glen is. Yesterday, Larry and Sarah took off Buddy's perimeter collar so he could go to the cabin with the other dogs...and of course he took off, taking Little Boy with him. Larry went down the road and up the road looking for them. Buddy came back on his own, but apparently ditched Little Boy, who did not return. I put out a Facebook post hoping someone had seen him. A neighbor messaged after I went to bed that Little Boy was at her house.  

This morning Larry went to get him but he was gone again. Larry came back home, then decided to look in another direction.  But he forgot to take his phone, and of course the neighbor called to say Little Boy had come back to their house. So I fetched him home, and those two bad boys have been on the porch or in the house all day so they won't take off up to Sarah's cabin again...and depart for other places! Which means I have got to clean the floors again. But Buddy's collar is well charged now and I have set the level to where he will certainly not want to cross the perimeter. It's like having children, I swear.

Still pouring rain as I write this evening, and apparently we still have a couple more days of rain ahead.  

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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