
Friday, September 27, 2024


68°f this morning, pouring rain all day. Thank you, Helena! Super high humidity, 94%. Like breathing water.

Yes, humid as can be, but we will take it if it means we're getting rain. The damaging storms and wind missed us, and for that I am grateful.  We have had good, steady rain almost all day today,  and quite a bit yesterday too. The drive home from restocking our booths in Ravenswood was quite a wet one.

A wet, blustery drive across the ridge. Fortunately someone had cleared the fallen tree from the road. Poor mail carrier had to go the long way around today. 

I am woefully behind reading your blogs, as I have been pedal to the metal this week. I am so sorry, as i thoroughly enjoy keeping up with all of you.

Does everyone do like this before a planned surgery? I want my house clean, laundry caught up, projects finished or tidied up, food cooked in advance, bills paid, groceries stocked up...I know my husband certainly didn't before his surgeries, but then his domain is outdoors. He didn't do anything I can recall to prepare for his first knee replacement. 

It was early May, and how would the grass get cut, the weedeating done, the garden work he usually did taken care of? I had to figure all that out myself, calling on friends and family to help out. He realized afterwards that he should have planned better, so the January when he had the second knee done he understood my worries and helped set things up so that I could take care of outside chores without too much trouble. He taught me how to reset the gas if our free gas went off, and we bought gravel to make a safer path to the chicken house, made sure i had buckets of wood ash and a lightweight snow shovel for icy, snowy walks (which, as it turned out, I certainly needed), etc. 

This time it's my turn, and I hope I have thought of everything. Granddaughter Sarah arrives tonight to stay a couple weeks to work on her cabin and help out here as needed, which will be lovely. I think we are as ready as we can be.

Today, while I swept, mopped and waxed the floors, Larry loaded up the van and we went to Ravenswood to re-do our window display. I had planned a Halloween window, with witches, sparkling silver trees, black florals, crows, skulls, and so on. To do this meant taking the china cabinet out of the window and loading it in the van, removing most of the smaller items displayed in the window, and so on. What. A. Mess. But we got it done, loading the cabinet in the pouring rain. Yuck. I wish I had a good photo of the finished window, but  in late afternoon the glare makes for disappointing photos. Still i was happy with the result.

A few photos from today:

Collectible toys:

Primitive kitchen stuff:

And other stuff:


It was a good, full day, topped off with a long phone visit with oldest son and his daughter, and with Sarah as she drove from Kentucky into West Virginia and the last leg of her drive from Colorado.

Now to bed. Tomorrow will bring...who knows? 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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