
Monday, September 23, 2024

Garden Stuff

70°f, 21°C, cloudy. A shower overnight dampened the ground a bit, but we need so much more.

We are waiting for rain,  which is forecast to arrive tomorrow. I have never seen thr ground so dry and cracked. Most of our grass in the lawns around the house has died, but weeds are thriving, of course! In one tiny patch, I don't really care, as I will be expanding my rose garden into that area. I figure when the larger flowerbeds become too much for me, I will still be able to care for the roses. Planning ahead much?

I did a walkabout in the veggie garden yesterday, and came out with a couple full buckets.

The garden continues to amaze me. We still have loads of squash, as the old plants re-rooted some stems and made new plants, and the seeds I planted at the beginning of July are now plants in their prime. With so much squash, I have been trying a few new recipes. Yesterday I sliced and boiled them, then drained, and used my immersion blender to make them like mashed potatoes, adding butter, salt, and pepper. Delicious! I had made meatloaf and this went perfectly with it. Larry really cleaned it up, and the dogs enjoyed the leftovers. I will try adding parmesan next time, and I also saw a recipe for mixing yellow and butternut squash and preparing like this.

It was pepper-chopping day too, and I was thrilled with my new Nesco vacuum sealer

Image from But who seals up cucumbers! Can't imagine why someone would do that.

I was so frustrated with the ones I had, that would not suck the air out properly. This new one doesn't play around! 

Today I have to string up the chili peppers, and get a few bottles of hot sauce started.

Still coming from the garden: peppers, chard, kale, dill, basil, carrots, celery, squash, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, a fewvtomatoes and cucumbers, butternut squash,  one little pumpkin,  some mini peppers, leeks, and a few green beans. So often people pull out their gardens by Labor Day, but with a little care it will keep right on going. At this point we simply use the weedeater to cut down the weeds, so the work to keep the garden going is minimal.

Well, work to do, so I'd best get at it! Have a great Monday.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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