
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Good-bye Summer!

65 this morning, Foggy early but clearing off slowly. High of 93 yesterday, humid and yucky.

Happy first day of Fall!

I am absolutely thrilled to see the back end of Miss Summer, as she drags her tattered, dusty skirts out of here. Today will be another scorcher, as she apparently isn't giving up without a fight, but then we cool down, thank the gods. 

We have had some busy days lately, so I am behind on my blog and on blog-reading. Today I will have to catch up. 

Larry had an appointment with the VA on Wednesday, and I was worn out from my full day at the docs on Tuesday, so I stayed home and had most of the day at home alone. I admit, it was rather nice! I stayed busy with cleaning, and made a batch of cherry jelly, as I had accidentally opened a jar of cherry juice, thinking it was grape. I guess I made the cherry juice last year, but have no memory of it. We date the tops of our jars, which helps a lot when I am clueless. The jelly turned out beautifully,  and such a pretty color. I did a little Halloween decorating, too. Early for me, but I want to get it done before I'm laid up.

The VA determined that in addition to COPD, Larry has a blocked artery, so he will be seeing a cardiologist in a few weeks about that. His lungs sound better thanks to some new meds, although there is some damage from his years of smoking and working in masonry. At least we know now what's going on with him. He is still a working machine, and it will be my job to keep him slowed down a bit.

We stocked our booths Friday and yesterday, catching up on missing last week. Then we went junking, as we call it. I was happy to find this handmade crocheted bedspread for $15. 

Think of the work that took! There is a label giving the maker's name, and dated 1960. Of course I Googled her; apparently she was a foster child, never married but kept in close contact with her foster families. So her things must have eventually been put into an estate sale, which is how the dealer ended up with the bedspread.

Yesterday was a good day for a drive, really too hot to do anything else. We drove up along the Ohio River,  passing through the small community of Belleville,  which was having its annual homecoming. Do they have these where you live? There had been a parade earlier, along with a car show, horse show, lots of vendors, etc. There were crowds of people, nice to see for such a small place.

It was also Mothman Festival weekend, but that was in the opposite direction, downriver.  That festival has become huge, with tens of thousands of visitors. Not my kind of scene, but again, I am thrilled for Point Pleasant as the town benefits greatly from this festival. If you are wondering what the heck it's all about, here's a link to one of my older blogs about Mothman.  The movie with Richard Gere, called The Mothman Prophesies, is a good show, although it is a highly fictionalized account of the whole affair.

I wasn't in a picture-taking mood yesterday, but did snap these along our road. Such pretty color!
One maple, showing off.

Our two pups took a wander yesterday morning so Larry had to go fetch them home, again. Buddy's perimeter collar battery had died, so that was why they were able to chase a skunk, apparently! Larry gave them a bath, and they smell much better. Silly dogs. Good thing we love them.

I stayed up on the deck, away from the fray and the spray!

The third Maisie Dobbs book is about mysteries surrounding 2 men lost in WWI, with a side story about a very young girl accused of murder, and I am enjoying it very much. It is as good as the first book of the series, completely engaging. Book 2 was okay, but not nearly as engrossing. The author, Jacqueline Winspear, is a fine writer, lots of historical research evident, along with intriguing tidbits about life in 1930 England that  I find fascinating.  If you enjoy historical mysteries, you may enjoy these books.
That's about all the news, I guess. I'll end with these three new words I ran across this week:


Do you know what they mean? The first was a word in one of the New York Times puzzles this week.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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