
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Rain, and Running

64°f, and raining!

Autumn mantel

Finally, we are getting some rain! A few good pours and showers yesterday, more this morning and it looks like more on the way this afternoon. What a lovely sound, rain on the roof. Perhaps the drought is broken? Fingers crossed.

Today we are on the road...again.  Yesterday about whipped me, as it turned into a full day of booth work and errands. We head to Charleston today, Spencer tomorrow, Parkersburg Friday. Appointments are taking up this entire week. Ah me. I detest weeks like this,  but must be done.

But, we had a good long visit with our friend Suzy yesterday, lingering over lunch and coffee. So that was good. And the Ripley booth is in fine shape for a couple weeks, also good. Picked up groceries to last a while--fresh fruit, and also meats that were on sale. We sliced a big pork loin into chops, divided up a 10- pound bag of chicken and 2 big salmon filets into meal-size bags and vacuum-sealed those and the chops so we are well stocked with meats now. We still have plenty of venison and some trout, along with some ham and big packages of pulled pork in the freezer.

My bone scan came back great, just a less than 1% chance of breaking a hip if I fall so that was good news. I will start taking vitamin D though, just to maintain what I have.

Now, time to get dressed and out the door. Have a great day, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You are well stocked in all areas! Just curious, if you want to share. What will you be doing in Spencer?

    1. Larry has a meeting with a VA rep there. We will probably stop at MacIntosh Hardware too. Best old-time hardware store around.


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