
Wednesday, September 11, 2024


51°f again, right chilly this morning. Mostly clear, warming to 84 by late afternoon.

In my last post I showed a few of the things I have found and sold recently. But today I learned about a coffee mug that I have been puzzling over for days.

Isn't it intriguing? Aroubd the rim are the words "If they try to pit words in your mouth"; inside the mug is a variety of words and phrases on that theme. The design is quite abstract and colorful. I thought that with it so clearly marked with the maker on the bottom, finding information would be easy.


I searched all kinds of possible combinations, but came up empty.  I did find information about a famous ceramic artist named George Bowes, but how could a piece by him end up at Goodwill? It made no sense to me.

In my searching I discovered George Bowes' contact form, so I emailed him yesterday, little expecting to get a reply. But today he responded, affirming that he had indeed made the mug, one of 50 made for Mr. Landau's PR firm. 

So, what to do with it? I have asked Mr. Bowes if he knew of a museum that might like to have it, since it is 35 years old and I could not find even one other online. I mean, I paid a whopping 99 cents for it. Otherwise I suppose I will sell it, as it is not something I collect...although I admit, I like it very much indeed.

So, a long story about a little mug. But I am so glad I rescued it from the thrift, because it could easily have been broken or misused by someone unaware of its rarity.

The other surprise is that poor Larry has Covid. He feels terrible. We just tested him this evening and by the time we were able to contact the VA, it was too late for the pharmacy to fill his Paxlovid prescription. I am afraid he is going to have an uncomfortable night. Where he caught it is a question, but most likely Saturday night when we went out to a local restaurant. He is quite congested, very worrisome. I am coddling him as best he will let me. It is so worrisome.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Oh no! I am sorry to read about Larry. I hope that you do not get it either.

    That's very cool about the mug. Your diligence paid off.

    1. So far so good. I wonder if I actually had it last week, as I felt poorly all week, headache-y and stuffed up. But not really sick, you know.

  2. Sorry to hear that Larry has a Covid now...I thought it's OVER. The coffee mug looks beautiful.

    1. Angie, Covid is absolutely rampant around here right now. The pharmacy had stacks of prescriptions in boxes, totes, all over the place. It was hard for them to walk behind the counter. Scary.

  3. Sorry that Larry got Covid. I hope it's a relatively mild case and also that you don't get it. Both of us here had it twice but were not as sick as some folks were.
    That's quite a story about your thrift store mug.

    1. He was miserable yesterday, but feeling much better today. He is resting, drinking fluids, and now he has the Paxlovid, thankfully.

  4. Hope Larry soon gets over the dreaded bug. Les had it recently, though not too bad - in fact I think he only did a test because he knows that my immune system is weakened by the chemo. There is only one place that he could have caught it - in the hospital!

    1. Oh, that's bad! But happens a lot I think. That was very thoughtful of him though. A good brother. Larry is much better today.

  5. ...I hope that Larry will be on the mend soon.

  6. Hopefully, Larry will get his COVID meds today and start to feel better. Then I hope you don't get it, too. I will be interested to hear where the mug finally ends up.

    1. I picked up his meds this morning. He is much better today.
      I will post about the mug when I figure out what to do with it.

  7. It didn't go into the 40s here last night after some pretty chilly nights. Close though. I trust Larry will get through this. I hope he's vaxxed. As for the mug, I expect that you'll probably find a buyer as long as you identify it properly, which I am sure you will.

    1. He did get the shot about a month ago. I have not though. I will do so as soon as I can.

  8. Sad to hear that Larry's ill, hope he recovers fast. I love that mug, it's great.

  9. Oh no, Covid still/again?! Hope Larry get´s better soon!
    Quite a mug, glad you saved it!
    35 years old. Wow. That was when Germany changed big, the wall fell, we were reunited!
    My friend I had so many laughs with this year I would not know if this had not happened!
    Otherwise, too, a clever mug!
    Best wishes to Larry...

    1. I remember when the wall fell. We all celebrated! It was so amazing. At that time it felt like world peace might be possible. Dreamers, weren't we?
      Larry is much better today, still sleeping and resting a lot.

  10. Covid? No fun. Hope you don't get it too. We had latest booster last week with no reaction. Interesting story about the mug.

    1. I am hoping I don't get it, and wondering if I actually had a light case last week when I was feeling so poorly. So far I am testing negative.

  11. I am sorry to hear about Larry, I do hope is not taken badly and gets well soon.

    What a lovely story about the delightful mug. I hope you find a good home for it.

  12. Sorry to hear about Larry...have you tested yourself at all? Or maybe if you just had it it wouldn't test still. I hope that you don't get it from him. And I love the mug story. Unfortunately I can't think of a museum that would want it, since George Bowes is still alive, and maybe not as famous as other potters...things that make museums and collectors interested. But by itself it is worthy of a collector's I would dare say you will make quite a profit on it. I'm sure you've looked at his site here...


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