
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Things That Sell

51°f this morning, chilly! But it was 48° yesterday morning. Clear and dry, warming to the 80s today.

It has been a sorting and pricing week as I work through the piles of items given to us by our friend who moved away. I am almost through, thank goodness. As part of this we had to make space to store it all. I took several totes to our booths when we restocked last week, which had a combination of things we already had and things from our friend, but I still had about 8 totes full, plus several boxes of old forestry books. (Our friend's father-in-law was one of the first two certified foresters to graduate from WVU's forestry program back in the early 1950s.)

So, to make space, we tackled the back workroom. What. A. Job. That room does get piled up with future projects, supplies like lumber, paint, stain, hardware, etc, and we also have two freezers and we store our Christmas totes in there. A couple hours of work got the space organized once again, and the sorted and priced totes were stowed away. It will be nice to have those ready to go, especially in October when it may be a few weeks before I can stock my booths myself. Larry or granddaughter Sarah can at least take some new things in for me.

As I was working, I took time to list a few things I had been wanting to get on ebay. I tend to neglect ebay in the summer months, just no time to do it, so it was good to get some new stuff in my online store. Here are a few that sold recently.

Who would think that an item this small would be worth $60? Not me, until I researched it. It has a lovely glow in black light. Which, by the way, is a hot collectible these days--uranium glass or also called Vaseline glass.


I never did identify the maker, but someone apparently knew and needed this to complete their salt and pepper set.

Then there was this little plate, picked up at Goodwill because I liked the design. Apparently also highly sought after, selling pretty quickly for $105. Made by MacKenzie-Childs.

And these:

These are glass beaded light bulb covers, and they sure do sparkle when lit with a bulb inside. But would you pay about $50 each for them? I wouldn't but someone did.

Another Goodwill find, two Iris and Herringbone goblets by Jeannette Glass in an unusual coloration. These sold for about $60 for the pair.

My investment in all of these item: about $15, plus of course ebay fees. (Customers pay the shipping.)

It was a good week for ebay, but now I must get to listing more items as I have less than 200 on there now, and 200 is the point where paying for a store is cost-effective. But listing will have to wait until I get the sauerkraut made today!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It's chilly over here too...I had to wear a thin jacket when we went out for a walk today. That butterfly plate costs $105??? Seriously?

    1. Yes, and I actually sold it lower than other similar plates have sold. Apparently these are rare. I do a good bit of research on the items I list on ebay, and try to price competitively, without undercutting other sellers. I also accept offers, but this buyer just paid the asking price.

  2. I'm amazed what people will buy but it looks like you benefited and that's cool. Good luck selling!

  3. Such is not my world. 😊

  4. ...I was in business, Richard MacKenzie of MacKenzie-Childs was one of my customers..

  5. LOVED that little green salt & pepper holder. I'm also a fan of Fire King or pretty much anything that color of green. My grandmother had a ton of it for her everyday dishes. Dishware is just so compelling, all the way around. How do you ever manage to sell it, rather than hanging on to everything?? :-)

  6. I loved the items but wow those are some prices! I would have walked on by and never even looked at the butterfly dish. I'd much rather have the Jeanette glass. We used to see them but we aren't out much anymore. I don’t go to goodwill often. There are a couple of smaller stores here that have better items than goodwill does. I hope you get everything squared away for your surgery and that all goes well with it!

  7. It's always interesting to see what some people are collecting. You sold an eclectic groups of items in Ebay recently. None that I would have bid on, but I'm not a collector.

  8. So interesting! I'd never have looked twice at any of those things, and look at their value. I'm in the Streamline And Declutter stage of life right now--the less I have to dust and clean, the better I like it. But it's clear that so many people love their collections and derive pleasure and comfort from them.

  9. It sure pays to know your stuff (literally!). I would have never know any of those items were worth anything. Good for you for recognizing their value and getting them to homes where they will be appreciated.


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