
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Up and At 'Em!

61°f, about 15°C at 7 am, overcast, with showers later in the day. No significant rain, but we take what we can get.

You can't keep a good woman down, or a bad one either. After a few days of feeling crappy, I am back to my old self. And was even allowed, if masked, to keep my pre-op appointments! So all systems go on that front. I was x-rayed, prodded, needle-stuck, physical therapied (if that's a word), instructed and instructed and instructed. I met the surgeon (another good-looking guy, like my gall bladder surgeon, I must draw the right cards) and was given a walker, an ice machine thingies, leg compression thingies, a list of exercises to do in the next two weeks, etc, etc.

Now I need to buy some baggy yoga pants, some new socks (diabetic ones because even though I am not diabetic I like the way they fit so softly), and a few other things to be ready. A shower chair is coming too. And probably crutches. If you happen to know who makes yoga pants for
short women, let me know. Last time I bought some I looked like one of the Seven Dwarves.

The hair nets I ordered the other day arrived, and I tried putting them on some of the mums.

You can't even see them, can you? A couple of the mums required 2 nets for coverage, but at less than $8.00 for 100, I can splurge. Now we shall see if they work to keep the deer away.

Apparently Clyde the cat slipped into the house before we left, something he has been doing lately. And apparently a young cardinal managed to get down the chimney somehow so while we were away mayhem and murder occurred, with the poor victim left by the door, and feathers everywhere. I was sure the damper was closed, but evidently not. The chimney cap blew off earlier this summer, and Larry has not braved the heights to replace it. Poor bird. 

Our hummingbirds have not yet left us, and are happily working what flowers are in bloom, and keeping the feeders empty. Are yours still around?  

Remember the other day when I wrote about banana splits and posted a photo of one from the Poky Dot Restaurant in Fairmont, WV? Well, the Poky Dot is up for sale for a mere $495,000.

Which actually doesn't sound too bad, given its good location and brisk business. To read about it, click here.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I wonder how many years it would be before the new owner would get his half a million dollars back!

  2. ...The Poky Dot serves a 9 pound sundae?

  3. Poor cardinal :-( And if you didn't say there's a nets there, I absolutely didn't notice it. Good Luck with the operation ahead, Sue.

  4. I will be interested to see if the nets protect your plants. I'm glad that your medical appointments haven't been delayed. I hope someone buys the Polka Dot because it's a fun place.

  5. Ugh on the poor bird. We have had that happen twice. Once the bird flew down the chimney and exited through the old coal stove in the basement. He flew upstairs and was perched on the back of a kitchen chair when Tim walked in. For whatever reason, flying things in the house freak Tim out terribly. He yelled his head off, and I came into the kitchen with him standing on one side, the bird perched on the other side, looking at him curiously. "For heaven's sakes, Tim!" I said. I shut the kitchen door to the rest of the house. I walked over and shut the basement door, and then asked him to open the door to the outside. He did. The bird took a good look, and then immediately flew away. The other bird was not so fortunate. He wound up inside the livingroom wood stove, which was not in use. I'm sure that he was frantic, able to see through the glass, but not able to get out. I wish I'd have been home to release him.

    Tip on the yoga pants: buy cropped yoga pants. They make them. I have a friend who's very short. She was so glad when pedal pushers made a comeback. She called them 'pants', though.

  6. The first thing that went through my mind was when I read your line "You can't keep a good woman down, or a bad one either" was "Yes you can, you just need to use the right knots!"
    Your upcoming surgery sounds like no fun at all, hope everything goes well!

  7. Quick comment, but I will be back. Watch out what kind of diabetic socks you buy. I got two pair that literally cut into my leg just below the knee. Drawstring foldover was the culprit; the material was a reinforced synthetic and sharp as a knife at the fold. I did not notice it when putting them on.

  8. That is very thorough prep and prep for afterward too.


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